EOS Argentina has developed a tool destined to help the community and other Block Producers boot and validate the soon to be born EOS Blockchain. Firestarter is very simple to use and has already been tested in eosaurora.io testnet.
This tool can be used to boot, take a snapshot and validate the blockchain, these can be done together or separately. If you already have your boot in place, then you can use the validation tool to verify and validate:
- The genesis.json.
- The global Parameters.
- Global Parameter - Max RAM Size
- The System Accounts.
- The System Contracts.
- The erc20 Snapshot/account creation.
- Accounts Stakes.
- Account Permissions.
- Validate that there are no codes in the snapshots accounts.
- Validate Constitution
- EOS Token Existence & Consistency
1) Boot Tool
- Automatically setups and starts a chain.
- Includes injection of EOS ERC20 Tokens.
- Consider that this script recreates your wallet and starts a nodeos with custom parameters, please customize configuration files as needed.
- Before build add snapshot plugin
cd /eos
git merge origin/snapshot-plugin
Merge https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/pull/3587 first
Remember change CORE_SYMBOL_NAME="EOS" to be EOS (vi ./eosio_build.sh)
If boot get stuck in Creating Account 1000/980000 ...... check ACCOUNTS_PER_TX var inparams.sh
cd boot
2) Chain State Snapshot & Validation Tool
- pick a block (370 in our case)
cleos get block 370
- take the block id 0000017239cb40966c033ebf0d9f48b1400ed620342ab134afa57b70bf0d9d77
cd validator
./validate_chain_at_bloc.sh 0000017239cb40966c033ebf0d9f48b1400ed620342ab134afa57b70bf0d9d77
Take snapshot from a remote node
- obtain the genesis.json used in the chain
- pick a block where you want to validate the chain at (ej:4000)
cleos --url=http://the.remote.node.com:8888 get block 4000
- take the block id 0000017239cb40966c033ebf0d9f48b1400ed620342ab134afa57b70bf0d9d77
PEERP2P=the.remote.node.com:9876 GENESIS=/path/to/genesis ./validate_chain_at_bloc.sh 0000017239cb40966c033ebf0d9f48b1400ed620342ab134afa57b70bf0d9d77
Link to Github Firestarter Tool: https://github.com/EOSArgentina/firestarter
EOS Argentina will be validating the main chain and reporting on the results. We also encourage the community to do the same, using the best tools available to get the job done.
Let's connect, and get to know each other!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eosargentina
Steem: https://steemit.com/@eosargentina
Website: http://www.eosargentina.io
Facebook: http://facebook.com/groups/EOSArgentina
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AUBfjQwHHMFPvshLX-kuRA
MeetUp: https://www.meetup.com/EOS-Argentina/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_dz2VEDJ7NyfGCyahKY8LA
Email: [email protected]
Great work guys! Cheers to you all and GO EOS!

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@eosargentina (53)
Firestarter Boot will be supportive for us
Thanks for the post. Well written :)