Thanks for your hard work guys. Our proxy is delighted to have been a supporter from day one. Keep up the good work.
UnknownEssence had some interesting observations regarding your article. Have you consider his perspective?
It would be nice if a simplistic formula could be implemented. Perhaps it's too much to ask. However, by tying "value" to the USD one is necessarily using a peg that is doubly inflationary. We already know the published CPI, but it is not accurate as John Williams points out here.
One concern that could be addressed with a slight shift is the indefinite 1% (or 2%) inflation, as it increases in amount over time, regardless of the value of the token. Why not go with a static amount instead? This guarantees a diminishing inflation rate over time while providing a specific amount to work with. It also incentivizes all parties to work in ways that increase the value of the token over time.
As the ecosystem matures, the rate of inflation drops but the value of the pay should not, since demand will increase as well. And this avoids the cronyistic nature promoted by % rate inflation that guarantees an increase in pay year by year, regardless of value.
It's not perfect either. No amount of inflation will ever be perfect. But it provides a nice simple method of management that naturally ticks a lot of boxes.
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