The road of success is full of ups and downs mixed with sweat and blood. Only the best can scape through without being compromise before reaching their goal.
We ll meet several humans on your way up but no matter your interaction never make it personal.
Simply the moment you take it personal, you're losing your focus. Getting committed to another course. Infringing your judgement with emotions. You're losing a part of yourself and your aim.
A good critic is a potential analyst once he/she is not mixing emotion with his/her judgement
The entity concept initialized that the owner of the business is a separate entity as the business itself is a entity.
The business entity concept states that the transactions associated with a business must be separately recorded from those of its owners or other businesses.
This emphasize that u must treat success as an entity and yourself as a different entity if you want to be successful towards any course.
Written and composed by:
Lawal Kamil Kayode
PC: Kaylaw
Never let emotion clamp your judgement, never ever let it get personal