if you read the sentence below, maybe you will find something usefull
One morning, I deliberately took time to play my nephew, Playing paper, I fold slowly, I make a plane out of paper, My nephew is happy, he runs, he throws, he picks up, More, And endlessly, Until unintentionally his big brother stepped on the paper plane, Instant shape became strange,Can not fly anymore, Then he picks it up,Tries to fix it, He's got trouble, He asks for his sister's help, Looks a bit perfect, But, Can not fly like before being stepped on, Then he comes to me, to make again, This can still be fixed, I try to improve, As a result, He returned cheerfully after I fix the toy, And can fly again.

human is Allah creation, he knows very well what he has created, What and how about His creation, Furthermore, He knows the ability of human
He also perfects man with another image for his creative life, the Universe,
Until the destruction and the events which have been so arranged by the Creator,We are human,
We are aware, We are the creation of Allah, Which is of course More perfect than other creatures, Given the mind, Inserted reason, Spoken beauty form
We have problems, Share with people who can be trusted again encourage, So that problems can be found solutions,
We get a blessing, Share with the needy, To have your life always blessed by Allah
Walk only to him, because he knows what we do not know, Share with others,
If that is not enough, Raise your palms, Ask with sincerity to Him,
Because Allah creates another part of we body with a different character,
Keep your happiness with gratitude, Kebahagian is a test that could be a disaster for you
Stay patient in every problem, Because the problem is the test because you got out of your past problems well,
What we have,
What we need,
What we do not have,
What we do not avoid,
We are adults, Will we lose with small children, End the problem by ending his life, Avoiding problems with lies,
Even a small child can cry as a form of request for help
Good article, makasi banyak.