以下重點整理摘自 2017 Blockchain Tech Seminar @ NCCU
Following notes are taken from 2017 Blockchain Tech Seminar @ NCCU
<特點 Features>
- 以保證金為設計的權益證明演算法 (PoS),高度最終安全,低成本的共識演算法。A proof of stake algorithm with validators.
- 基於拜占庭容錯 (BFT):拿到超過 2/3 的票數 。 BFT-style proof of stake.
- 加入懲罰機制。 Adding punishment mechanism.
- 當區塊鏈收斂成一條鏈 -> 賺錢。 Validators get payment when blockchain converge .
<PoW vs. PoS>
Proof of Work:
- 耗費大量電力 。Consume large quantities of electricity.
- 礦池集中問題 。Issues of centralization risk to pools.
- 沒有提供經濟確認性 (Economic Finality)。Without economic finality.
- 礦工不需成本 (只要成為最長的鏈)就能撤銷過去紀錄 。Miners can revoke records without cost if he can be the longest chain.
經濟確認性 (Economic Finality):一個區塊被認為已成定局,假設在同高度上,存在有誤的另一方並課以 X 等量的罰金。
Economic Finality: Economic finality is the idea that once a block is finalize, then the only way that at any point in the future the canonical history will contain a conflicting block is if a large number of people are willing to burn very large amounts of money.
Proof of Stake:
- 多回合的共識形成 (Checking Point -> Final Checking Point)。Multi-round consensus algorithm.
- 虛擬挖礦 (Voting會與放置的保證金成正比)。Virtual Mining.
- 提供經濟確認性 (保證金設計)。Provide Economic Finality.
- 節能。No need to consume large quantities of electricity.