Let me get this straight...
By your reasoning every person who muses over whether it is or is not ethical to procreate is... both an abortionist 'and' a satanist at that?
If that is so then here is another article that you might wish to hazzard flagging.
A word of advice however. Flags do not work the way that you think that they do (and it definitely hurts to meet a user of higher reputation who decides to flag you back in retaliation.
Furthermore, presuming a present population of 7.5 Billion people - we have presently gotten to the point that, on average, within ever square kilometer of the Earth's land surface.
The surface area of our planet amounts to some 510 million square kilometers. Roughly 70% of that is water. Leaving some 155 million square kilometers of land. This is what the figure is based upon.
Could a square kilometer sustain 48 people? Perhaps... it presently needs to... but is it really representative of anything more than folly to wish to contribute to this problem?
Think about it. Flags are meant to signal significant misdemeanors. they are not intended as weapons (though some do choose to do so).