I survived another babysitting.

in #exyle5 years ago


There always seems to be just enough time between the baby's in my family to keep me confused about how to handle them.

In my hands, I'm holding the latest addition. He's 3 months old.

Bianca and I had to watch him last night while my sister had some well-deserved fun going out.

This one is different from the last one (Toddler Sam).

This one doesn't like to be held in my arms, he likes to be straight and look at the world.

His neck is already strong enough to support that goal.

He was pretty awesome throughout the evening, sleeping most of the time.

He woke up around 10 pm because he was hungry and he was sure to let us know.

Bianca took him from the wagon he was in and handed him to me.

While Bianca prepared the bottle I talked with him.

He smiled a couple of time straight at me, like real contact, which I enjoyed a lot.

I then gave him the bottle but he kept falling asleep while drinking so I had to nudge him awake a lot.

When he was done I held him upright again for the burp...but then...I felt a sudden displacement of air coming from below...

With a slight sharp aroma following soon after...

Oh no. He had burped from the back.

First instinct. Increase the distance between me and the danger.

I handed him to Bianca who laughed at my weakness.

There is a thing called diaper blowouts.

It's where the excrements of the baby creep out of the diaper and go to places you don't want them to go.

It makes me wonder how that's even possible.

I only put in 150ml of milk but somehow +500ml came out.

O man...it was all over his back when Bianca took off his clothes.

Bianca handled it like a pro, while I was assisting as best I could from the sidelines.

Luckily my sister packed a new set of clothes in the bag she brought and plenty of those wipes.

It was over relatively soon and the latest edition seemed to like the attention a lot.

But he didn't want to sleep after all that excitement.

Luckily Bianca is pretty experienced with baby's (It used to be her job).

She turned the lights down low, put on some vacuum cleaner sounds on the phone and wrapped the latest edition like a burrito in a blanket.

10 minutes later he was asleep.

Peace had returned.

My sister picked him up not too long after.

I survived another babysitting!

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I recall taking care of a first edition.....

Bed time, all was good.

Off to bed, sound asleep.

About 20 minutes later the crying alerted me to a problem

There was a diaper blowout in the bed ... Sheets were splattered.

No problem, first edition in arms, stripping sheets, replacing sheets. Then stripping first edition, bathing first edition, clothing first edition.

Back to bed ...

Then. first edition was sick ... vomit everywhere.

Repeat double strip process, double clean process, double clothes process.

Then back to bed ...

Everything went into the wash. At the time, only three changes of bedding. This was the last chance ...

All went well through the night.

The next day ... 2 more changes of bedding and a couple new outfits were purchased.


2 more changes of bedding and a couple of new outfits were purchased.

I understand after seeing the distruction one blowout can cause!

It is amazing how much pressure can be achieved. It's like their digestive tract is a mini Cern collider.

You are hired :-) Our Baby is coming between the next 2 weeks into this world....

Wow! That's going to be a special event for you two. Enjoy it!

bad words! hahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

you cross))) laike post

that's the cool thing about baby sitting, you can give them back! :)

Yes! That is nice indeed :)

..congrats!..and don’t exhaust all the babysitters..steem on!

Wow. I'm so happy for you 🤗🤗🤗🤗. It's a thing of Joy 💕. Welcome to the World baby boy 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Ready to have one baby of yours 😂😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

So far I like the current arrangements just fine :)

When he is coming on steem 😂😂 make an account, small SP and attach to your account while voting. Gift him it when he grows up🎉👌

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha! I’ve been through three of these with my girls. !giphy babies

// Supported by witness untersatz! //

Congrats sir

Posted using Partiko Android

Diaper blowout. That's a novelty to me. I guess my wife and I can count our blessings as nothing like that happened with our daughter. lol

Imagine my luck! You didn't get on in a lifetime...I get one on 1 night of babysitting :)

Family = The most important thing in life :)

Diaper blowouts are never discussed in the commercials... have you noticed that?

Well done, you need some of your own clearly!

I have never seen them either although it's been awhile since I watched any commercials on tv...What I remember from them....dry throughout the night! Absorbs even more than ever before...yeah right... :)

My wife and I took a bunch of baby classes before our first but of all the things discussed they left out all the good topics ... like blowouts 😁.

haha! I guess all these babysitting sessions are preparing me for something more 'realistic'.

Exactly how I feel when I make it through another day without losing the dog😂 But so sweet! You're braver than I am, that's all I'll say - looking after myself and the BF is enough...

Aww, I miss having babies around to spend time with. They grow up so fast!
It's so nice of you and Bianca to give your sister a break.

I always think it's fun for a while. But then I long for some freedom :)

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No easy task lol Visiting family right now with a one and a half year old and its tiring! They do have some rather weird sleep schedules which take some getting use to.

I know, they never seem to sit down to relax a little bit. When they are awake they just keep going non stop.

Haha...good work my man i was the same with my kids i would do anything to help but when it came to them diaper blowouts as you call them the misses would have to take over...lol 🤣

nucleur poo swap outs. i remember it well. like, how does a human body even produce that. i don't even know.

Sounds like it was a pretty eventful night! Luckily my wife is a pro with babies so when stuff like that happens with my nieces and nephews she is right there to take care of it! What a great way to spend the evening bonding.

Congratulations! You may not be so lucky next time. Might get peed or pooped on.

Hahaha the image is gold! I thought there was going to be a whole story about you feeling very uncomfortable holding a baby ("you survived" the title also said)..
It seems to be as if every person holding a baby that starts crying (for unknown reasons) causes people to feel uncomfortable.. But in this case the little one perfectly let you two know milk was needed, and after that something got in the way :)

I remember these diapers as if they were yesterday, they can seriously mess up clothes even if you clean them immediately.. very very nasty but the good thing is that the little one probably felt very relieved .. so that's worth something right?