Family court is slower then molasess flowing uphill in January.
The F'ing lie's CPA uses are always the same lie's and bull shit!
Some times like right now I wish I could not feel empathy. My tears of anger and frustration with the system blurrs my vision as I type this comment.
"Don't ... Cry ... Anymore ..." are horrible words to hear from your own child.
I have mourned for my son 4 times in 18 years.
In the second reunitement to my son:
I remember having to pay and be supervised to have access to my son when he was 5, when I walked into the room he was sitting under a table in the library of Promotory Elementary.
After getting onto my injured knees and climbing under the table and just Smiling at him I was so happy and just wanted to hug him but I was told If I touched him the visit would be over.
His first words to me were: Daddy, Are you a drug dealer?
My reply to him was I have missed you there was a pause/puzzled look? then he was hugging and holding me so tight (I can feel it now) and saying I missed you to daddy, I missed you to...
The supervizor "Art Dent" 28yrs as supervisor was shocked at my son's affection??? distorted misinformed as usual by CPS bastards/MONSTERS!
All Because I was helping a marijuana compassion club in Chilliwack, CPS and RCMP destroyed my reputation and my relationship with my son calling me a drug dealer in the News papers.
I am watchful;
"He who winks with his eye plots perversity."
This is so sad! Thank-you so much for sharing a little bit of your experience. You should NEVER have been kept away from your son like that, plus had his head filled with their lies.
These types of lies about a child's parents are normal. In Anna's case, while they stopped allowing her to visit her daughter for a WHOLE year (even though she kept going to court and fighting for her daughter) --
the Foster Parents and Social Workers told her daughter that her mom was not visiting her because her mom did not love her anymore! They are nothing but liars.
CPS workers are all going to burn in HELL!