Hello, yes, child abuse would occur, to deny this fact is to be blind, but CPS (the organization taxed with this labor) has proven to be far worst than an "abusing parent". CPS have and has always been discriminating in their search to remove children from their homes, there have been thousands-to-millions of cases where CPS begin to remove children from "Stable Homes". The corruption of the CPS system is so large that it is now seen as an epidemic to the family units.
Children experience far-far more abuse when under the care of CPS, and there have been so many death as well. Children removed from their loving homes based on flimsy excuses and for reasons that in no way shows abuse. This facts are proven and even the national statistics taken by some government bodies and a lot more private research shows this as well. On a personal base, I have seen and communicated with so-so much parents that have been dealt with treacherously by the System that was supposed to care for this children and families.
Do you know that for CPS workers to receive funds from the federal government, they "MUST" remove children from their home?. They are paid whenever they remove a child, they are paid whenever they provide services for a child. The funds they receive is in Direct proportion to the number of children they remove from their homes, this has led to Legal Kidnapping of infants and children.
There is so much I would like to tell you, but my fingers won't permit me, please check out @familyprotection and my blog as well, and go through the numerous topics and cases that have been reported by parents, by foster alumni, by other people who have been experienced with the system. take time and go through them.
If there is anything that will solve the issues you mentioned, the answer is definitely not this version of "CPS" we see now. Every family need to love and cherish their children care and groom them up with strong moral rightness , this fact is what makes a strong nation. Thank you for your question @hopeinu