How I'm Starting a Blog Despite the Fears

in #fear15 hours ago

I've never been tech savvy, and while I'm still in my 20s I'm pretty much a grandma at using technology. Well, some grandmas probably know a thing or two more than me when it comes to blockchain blogging, who knows.

I'm totally new to this community and literally found out blogging on block was a thing just a few hours ago. The only way I found out about it was through a friend who encouraged me to blog here and develop my own voice and confidence.

So here I am, "marred by dust and sweat and blood" (well I'm more so marred right now in a great CC cream by IT cosmetics, but you get the point). If that doesn't really paint the prettiest picture in your mind, you can thank Teddy Rosevelt for the lingo.


I've wanted to start some type of blog for years now. I've started designing one on squarespace already, so this one's just an extra juicy bonus for me (and maybe you).

Why the fear of starting a blog terrified me

I don't even have anything valuable to say.
Who on earth is even going to read my blog?
What if my family and friends find out about it and make fun of me?
What if I'm just wasting my time?
I can't do this, what am even thinking?!

Those were just some of the thoughts that kept looping around my head, you know the cassette of negative words that keeps playing in your head. More like a broken record though, because you can't stop the surge of negativity once it starts. I know I am not alone in these thoughts, and lots of people feel this. Truth is though, there is always going to be some sort of devil advocate on your shoulder telling you why you shouldn't do something. As much as you want that negative nancy to stop her whining, it will never work.

So what does work?

What works is doing the thing you fear, DESPITE THE FEAR. Yes you leap head first into the unknown even when your heart is racing and legs are trembling.

Will that really build confidence though?

Well, what I found was that if you set certain goals, baby step goals and break them down into things that seem manageable day to day, and when you actually achieve them, that shit hits like those green smoothies! A boost of confidence. Truth is, I haven't conquered all my fears. And I'm not Tony Robbins or Oprah telling you my success story, but I am revealing my authentic self into the universe, to you, in hopes that you will see that I am just like you, there is nothing unique or special about me. And if I can start a blog and this journey to developing more confidence and building a life I love, anyone can as well.

Facing fears of being judged and feeling like I might not have anything valuable to say, I have decided to write despite the fear.

What success really looks like


If you feel discouraged sometimes or hopeless, that is TOTALLY NORMAL. It's part of the process. Success is sometimes glamourized as this uphill fight, when in reality it looks more like fumbling about 50 times going through a track course, leaping over lava, getting bruises and cuts before you can even see the finish line.

In reality, success is ugly. You probably know this already, you just haven't framed it in your mind as a success story. How many breakdowns have you had trying to reach your goals? How many times have you wanted to throw in the towel? One too many times for me. But just because I'm still failing does not mean I haven't reached some level of success. Success is only a limiting word if it encompasses some indescribable, idealistic, unattainable end. In terms of goals though, every accomplished goal is SUCCESS. So make sure to celebrate your success as well, with the people you love, not just focus on the failures. Failures can teach you many lessons and open up more opportunities for success. Success is a sign you're doing something right, even if it's something very small.

So here's to my own journey, and yours as well.