The beautiful office witch - Chapter 3 - Fiction

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


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John fell asleep almost instantly and woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to go to work. He took a quick shower, had a quick bowl of cereal and then left for work.  He had some errands to run after work and decided to take his own car.  

He was in such a good mood that he turned on the radio and listened to some music on his way to work. He had an indescribable feeling of cheeriness and he walked into the office building whistling the last tune that played on the radio.  

As he suspected, Julian was sitting at her desk bright and early as usual. He greeted her without looking at her, and walked into his office, ready to start the day. He unpacked his stuff, and was startled when he turned around. Julian was standing right behind him. 

"One of these days you're going to give me a heart attack." 

She laughed and he smiled at her.  

"I just wanted to remind you of your lunch date today sir, Mr MacDonald phoned early to confirm."

"I completely forgot about that. Thank you for the reminder." 

George MacDonald was the CEO of the company. He and John went to school together and they were good friends. They had a standing date for lunch once a month, and it usually ended up being an early day as neither of them went back to the office afterwards. 

He sat down and tried to finish as much work as possible before he left.  

"It's amazing how much work you can get done if you are rested."  he thought to himself, and when he packed up his laptop just before twelve, he had done almost half of the work that he had to catch up on.  

He closed his office door and handed Julian the proposals that she had to type for him.  

"I'll be glad if I can have these proposals back in the morning" he said without looking at her again, and smiled at himself as he walked away. He knew if he looked at her, he would lose all his confidence and become all confused again.  

The smell of her bedazzling perfume hung in the air, and suddenly, like if he was hypnotized, he turned around and said without thinking: 

"You can type these up in the morning. Would you like to accompany me to lunch Julian?"

He looked her straight in the eyes, and it was as if he couldn't stop himself. He felt mesmerized once again when she took her handbag to accompany him.  

He opened the car door for her and they drove to the restaurant in silence. He suddenly had no words and he couldn't think of anything to say to her. He parked the car at the restaurant, and when he got out to open the car door for her, she took the bottle of perfume out of her bag and sprayed a little bit on her neck and smiled at him when she got out.  

He felt weird and uncanny when she grabbed his arm and they walked into the restaurant together as if they belonged together. Julian had such flair and walked so gregariously that even the waiter fell over his feet when he accompanied them to their table. 

George was waiting already and looked a little pissed off that John brought someone with him, but as soon as she greeted him, all negativity flew out the window.  

Julian had an aura around her that made everyone like her instantly.  George ordered champagne and they ordered their lunch and then they started talking like old friends. Both George and John wanted to know everything about this mysterious girl and they were even more intrigued when she told them her life story. 

-to be continued-

Here are the links to the previous chapters:

Chapter 1-

Chapter 2-


Very nicely written

Aah thank you are you doing?

I am great and you?

I am good thanks. Is your wife also on Steemit? You should let her write some educational posts for us!

Sweeter today, last episode kept me in a puzzle though i guessed it'll turn out this way between John and Julian. I hope George will not develop interest too on Julian which may create rival between him and his old time friend John.

Thanks @giantbear for meeting my anticipated story, till next episode.

Thank you...I have no idea how this is going to turn out...we both just have to wait and

Nice post! Followed.

I'm not a big fan femme fatale/bewitcher types of fiction... as a matter of fact I'm not a fan of fictional works but this appeal to my inner little boy with fantasies of being seduced by the classic "babe in the wood". I help that It is a good and simple read.
... I will have another please.