Challenge #04096-K078: Isekai Choice

in #fictionlast month


Inside you there are two wolves:
One whispers into your ear the fact that you been isekai'd; and the laws of the old world does not apply to this one.
The other begs you not to turn the Geneva convention into the Geneva suggestion. -- Anon Guest

One of the easiest dead giveaways that you're not in the reality you were born to is the continuing existence of dirigibles. A slightly more alarming one might be an Elf or a Kobold looting what they thought was your body. Or, in the case of a Kobold, chewing on it.

In this case, it was waking up to a robot doing medical care.

Tania stared, mostly because she could see the cogs and gears that were making the machine work. There was also a glowing gemstone in the middle of the chassis, which, after a little squinting, Tania identified as, "A flint arrowhead?"

Somehow, the metal machine smiled warmly. Metal should not bend like that under any circumstances. "An accident of happenstance," she had a warm and soothing voice. "Some people choose to have their soul and memory as part of an automaton body. I wasn't given much choice."

Tania used her concussion to her advantage, gaining a "re-education" in the ways of the world around her. One: Magic was real. It was carried in bloodlines, though it could be gifted to the unborn by anyone with enough power. Two: Reincarnation was real, and available only to those who knew how to Save.

This was sounding like a video game already.

Three: Souls could become the power cores of machines with the help of three ingredients. Those being: A quartz crystal stone, the blood of the soul being used, and that soul being Saved during the process of dying.

Lacyann had been researching interesting herbs in otherwise wild lands when the people native to the area had a rather pointed objection to her presence. The rest of her adventuring team took the hint, and her body, back to civilisation. Or, what they called civilisation.

There, the arrow that had killed her was examined and determined to hold her last Save. And that was how she became a medical automaton. Give or take a few steps.

Tania realised that that truck[1] might have done her a favour. In this world... they hadn't graduated much past the technological capabilities of clockwork.

Just imagine what she could do with valves. Transistors. Microcircuitry. Heck, if they didn't have the telephone, then she could be the single greatest inventor this world had ever seen.

So much power at her fingertips. So much esoteric knowledge in her head.

Alexander Graham Bell, Robert Logie Baird, Alan Turing, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates... but here? It could all be Tania Leigh Clerk. Glory, recognition, adulation, and feminism all in one package!

And somewhere in her head, a whisper... Great power. Great responsibility. Above all else, do no harm.

It wouldn't hurt to see how this world worked before she tried to fix it. After all, there may be many things that were not as broken as Tania might think.

[1] If you know the tropes behind Isekai adventures, you know about "Truck-kun". A speeding truck is the traditional method to wake up in a different reality.

[Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash]

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