This library is enchanted. It will always provide you with the knowledge you need. However, it may not be the knowledge you want. You have been warned. -- Fighting Fit
If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, it therefore follows that knowledge must be restricted. Such is the logic of dictators everywhere. Despite this, people still need knowledge, like they need sustenance, or medicine. Even the knowledge of which medicines work is needed. Even the dictators step back from restricting all knowledge.
Except for one.
Their fate is the same as the fate of all dictators. Peasants with torches and the regret that they only had one life to be extinguished. There was little left of them to bury, but their legacy is the Library of Need. Made to stand forever and charmed to contain all the world's knowledge... but cursed to only deliver that which is needed by any who seek it.
For some centuries following the dictator's inevitable demise, it was a shelter for the lost and outcast. There, those in need found enough food to sustain them, and enough padding for rest. It was quite a shock to the first librarian of need when they found a book that -somehow- taught them how to read.
Once the outasts started benefitting from it, there followed the entitled. They were bound to have a learning experience.
Index, the librarian currently staffing the information desk, smiled for the person swanning in like ze owned the place. "Good morning," Index said in hushed tones. "Welcome to the Library of Need. May I help you?"
"Don't talk to me," ze snapped. "I know exactly what I want from here."
"That may be true," said Index. "But do you know what you need?"
"Shut up. I need what I want. I said do not talk to me. Devilborn."
Index sighed and rolled their eyes. This newcomer, like all newcomers, would learn in good time. They activated one of the monitors, just in case this arrogant soul attempted to become destructive.
The haughty one stormed between the shelves, gaze snapping from the stacks of books. Ze marched onwards, certain of hir destination.
There were no signs in the Library of Need. There was no point. Where you stopped, you would find what you needed. Nevertheless, the haughty one stormed onwards, looking for where their sought item should be.
It took hir twenty minutes before ze slowed, and a reading nook presented itself since ze clearly needed to rest. The instant ze sat, there was a book on a small table by hir hand. Wanting to be found.
Ze glanced once, and ignored it. The book was not what ze wanted, evidently. Ze rested hir feet, and once rested got up to inspect the nearest shelf. Now full of copies of the same book.
Index started counting down. Five. Four. Three...
"What in all the hells is this [quack]?" There were children present, so all curses were censored. "I don't need this [quack]! What the [quack] is happening to my [quack]ing words?"
That was Index's cue. They got Dewey to cover for them and arrived by the haughty one's side. "Children are present in the library," they said. "They do not need to hear rough words. And since some people are trying to read, I must politely request that you keep your voice down."
"...don't talk to me, and don't tell me what to do," ze attempted to shriek, voice suddenly muffled by the magic of the library. "...what are you doing to me you dirty [quack]?"
"Slurs are also censored," said Index, remaining calm. "This library sees to all needs, and you clearly need this." They plucked one of the copies off the shelf and offered it to hir. "Read and learn, and grow."
"...i don't need a book of [quack]ing etiquette," ze sounded like ze was attempting to shout through thick insulation. " you know who I am?"
"I don't need that information. I can already tell," said Index. "You. Are rude."
Ze attempted to ramp up the shrieking, the magic of the library muted hir to incomprehensible woomping noises.
Index made themself comfortable. Ze would calm down once ze tired hirself out.
[Photo by Jonathan Francisca on Unsplash]
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I would love to be at a library like that. I'd immediately apply for a job and quite happily spend my days there. Surrounded by books. And likely, comfy chairs to help me relax so my back didn't hurt so much. And probably a book on how to ease pain.
Oh yes, I would love that library concept. I want it to be real SO bad.
...especially the bit about silencing shrieking knomiras >:3c
Especially American knomiras!