What Happens To Cryptocurrency When The Old Money Dies? [VIDEO]

in #finance7 years ago (edited)


The Fed-fueled economic boom is coming to an end, maybe sooner than you think. There’s something about fall 2018… it’s a gut feeling we at TDV have---the same type that’s helped us navigate countless monetary cycles over the years.

If you’ve followed our work, you may know I predicted nearly a decade ago that the dollar could collapse by the end of this decade.

In 2015, after writing about the Shemitah and predicting market chaos in fall of that year, we indeed saw economic volatility as the Dow dropped by a thousand points in just one day in August.

But what about the dollar collapse---the system-wide implosion of currency that could mark the end of an era, and the start of a new age?

The fact is, it’s inevitable.

But recently, my gut is starting to send out strong signals again, and between my intuition and the number-crunching expert analysis provided by fellow Dollar Vigilante, Ed Bugos, there’s definitely something on the horizon for this year.

“GDP is growing...the stock market is doing great, but you have to remember,” says Bugos in our interview, “these numbers are all effects of the illusion. These are illusory and they’re temporary.”

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Ed and I went on to discuss the true meaning of these economic signals under Trump, as well as rising yields, incentivized wealth consumption, a shrinking liquidity pool, and so much more.

Wondering what will happen to the crypto market during the collapse?

You Can Watch The Full Interview Here:

There’s certainly something in the air and fall 2018 is feeling particularly ominous.

Be sure to stay up to date with the latest and most comprehensive financial and crypto trends by subscribing to our newsletter (SUBSCRIBE). TDV members also receive special reports, stock alerts, recommendations, and get access to our private Facebook and Slack groups.

Ed Bugos just issued an alert to subscribers with five extreme out of the money (OTM) put options, like the kind we issued in August 2015 which earned subscribers 3,500% in one day! You can get access to those immediately HERE.

I’ve just announced that in addition to FreedomFest in Las Vegas next week and The Infinite Man Summit in Lisbon after that, I’ll also be speaking at Anarchaportugal in Porto, Portugal on July 19th and 20th. You can save 10% off the Anarchaportugal ticket price by using discount code ANARCHAST.



See you at FreedomFest!

STUPENDUS.png post!

I'm skeptical that the balloon will pop that soon, but its got to pop eventually. As a result I often think about my investments in crypto and wonder, excitedly, how great they could boom as fiat currencies fail, fall and disappear, but there are two sides to that coin. The other side to that coin is a great deal of suffering for many, many people. Joblessness, homelessness, starvation, and its not going to be the richest of the rich that suffer those sad realities, so that part makes me sad.

Nevertheless, it seems a certainty that economic collapse will come, IMO the only question is when.

Thanks, Dollarvigilante, Jeff, and Ed Bugos, for keeping us informed with your hard work.

When the FIAT market colapses, the crypto market will rise!! I have high hopes for BITCOIN, EOS and BINANCE and a lot more coins :)

I disagree. If you think FIAT markets will ever collapses, you don't understand the system at all. Those who control will never allow the system to fail, they'll just continue to fix issues with band-aids. Crypto will be valuable but as an asset not as currency. Also EOS is continuing to prove "questionable" at best

Kind of early to judge the success or failure of EOS. As for fiat - the debt eventually has to be monetized with high inflation - see Venezuela.

I am totally with you.


What happens to crypto when old money dies?
freedom.... freedom happens.

Spotcoin: With experience comes legitimacy

Questioning the legitimacy of companies in the digital currencies space before investing in them is understandable. In fact, it’s what you should do, before parting with your hard-earned cash. We address concerns of potential investors on a daily base, in our Telegram groups and in person. Here is how you can be sure Spotcoin is fully above board, compliant and an integer company.

Full Article :

When the "old money" enters the market we strap the seat belts on and get ready for blast off. Selling little by little once we return to ATH territory. Refer to my most recent post for my more detailed opinion on how to profit from gains safely. Have a great day all!

I've had to shut down access to my customers in the USA because of the recent supreme court decision on state sales tax collection.

I thinks so, it is possible!

you are truly are mentors in terms of financial analysis I learn many things reading this blog of yours

Thanks and God blessed.

The Canadian dollar or the American dollar?

Cryptocurrency can when fiat runs out, I just wonder how we can manage the volatility of these cryptocurrencies, and them being much stable just as fiat defeats the purpose of the cryptocurrency itself.
We shall have to cope up but with some adjustments maybe.
Otherwise this is a very educational post you have written @dollarvigilante


I will really appreciate your comments about this video.

Will BLOCKCHAIN Tech Serve As The BEAST SYSTEM Designed To ENSLAVE Humanity?
Thank you.

When the china economy becomes the biggest economy in the world, Dollar collapse. And if dollar collapse, USA support cryptocurrencies and the age of cryptocurrencies exactly starts.

Won't some savvy lawyers come up with a service that includes coins in people's wills? I feel like this might happen.

Bitcoin is simply unpredictable it can reach upto any price in coming years we just need to stay calm and watch out for bitcoin wanders.
Read my article about bitcoin future price

Bitcoin is simply unpredictable it can reach upto any price in coming years we just need to stay calm and watch out for bitcoin wanders.
Read my article about bitcoin future price

Hell it paid for my new mini bike and speed package thanks jeff

I agree that fiat will bust eventually, BUT I worry crypto will have very little effect if that happens. Without mass adoption you'll still be looking at an inability to spend it. I doubt people will adapt during a major bust because fiat will have already scared them away from currency in general. Bitcoin adopters will be able to trade among themselves, but I honestly doubt it has enough adoption in the near future to prop up the system in the event of a collapse. Upside is we'll be really rich post-recovery.

The system is designed to fail. Once your average person no longer has the spending power to sustain cyclical consumption, that is when it falls. Good riddance.