Small problem

so i did not make a lot of progress with getting set up lately. Why? Because i can not afford to spend any money right now. It used to be the case you could just briefly go to Brazil and reenter to extend your stay, but this is no longer allowed, i can only extend my stay twice. Meaning, i need to gain my local papers much much quicker. This will run me around 7000-8000€. After that its really home free and in fact i should get most of that back later. I would be able to safe that up eventually, but id need it much quicker than anticipated, so i am busy working or trying to find work. I fear the limited time i have may not be be enough.
So, check out my gofundme or wallets.


My Wallets:
Bitcoin: bc1qqk506f2cgmqtw0k7tk5jxna2m3w2vde0vxrhle
Monero: 86j3eTJyJup1yfxfQwJfb52bubPLGUSvZNiaXjHYSYAqVaExqHz4fwMFhtuQVBd3HRUsmP9ED1Ebk6Grf6UNd7ED5oZhnvf
Doge: DGkYzp1m3rE4NG8ktEyXLjsGrKwjbcB1q5