
I'll try pickles you try tomatoes

Deal, but all that means is it's your turn since I often put tomatoes in 'em. It was up there in the article somewhere, but I don't blame ya if you just skimmed. I'm long-winded sometimes. 😁

Now go get cookin' lol 🍞🧀🥒

ROFL I didn't miss it " Sometimes I'll throw some sliced tomato or pickles" but I didn't recall when I made the second comment , there's my excuse . ;)
That's great you pointed it out :)
I do make a point to read the whole post and any comments on all . I even go into the blog and review the comment that they make if any . (engagement) I believe that is why I selected you even though you were not a follower :)

I do enjoy the engagement WTG

are you in any of the discord channels ?

Lol I love that you grabbed the exact line. 🍅🍅🍅

I do the same thing. Well, in the short time I've been here so far. Ya gotta engage! After all, if someone takes time out of their day to not only read my stuff but actually write something on it, it'd be rude not to acknowledge that.

Plus who doesn't hate being ignored?!?! 😆

I am in a few of them: PAL, Shark School, SGG, Steemers, and Curie off the top of my head. Name's the same. I know I saw ya in one of them when I was checking it out the other day but you didn't appear to be on so I didn't say hi, although now I know that doesn't matter.

Still learning. lol

I'm all over the place , maybe to much . I even have my own discord for minnows to help them out with information and exposure . Its easier to promote out of there . The engagement is very important , I call it foundation building . It takes me 15-20 min to make a comment on any post . I call it being deliberate but I know I'm slow . I am very direct and get misunderstood all the time :)
I am learning everyday . This is my first social media platform , so lots of mistakes
you have a great attitude :)

Well, I was going to say I found ya, but I guess you figured that out already lol - thank you.

I agree with the foundation building. No one gets anywhere on their own, especially in something like this. You seem to have the hang of it, and are really helpful to all of us that have arrived after you!

I get you on the deliberate thing. I usually change up what I write numerous times; mainly because I'm a bit of a smartass and it's sometimes rather difficult to convey that I am not being malicious when it's online. That's why I often use a lot of smiley faces.

Now if only there were smiley faces in real life...🤔