Can this dish really makes you good in bed?

in #food6 years ago (edited)


Ceviche is a seafood dish originated in Peru and it's made from fresh raw fish cured in citrus juices, such as lemon or lime, and spiced with ají or chili peppers. Additional seasonings, such as chopped onions, salt, and cilantro.

This dish is consumed in other countries of the world for example Venezuela where the dish it's called "Rompe colchón" or "Vuelve a la vida" and in this country is know for be an a aphrodisiac, in others words makes you unstoppable in bed but it's actually true?

Well, fish and seafood are rich in phosphorus that stimulates libido (sexual desire) but that does mean that this dish actually works?

According to Dr. Luz Jaimes, there are aphrodisiac foods that generate sexual stimulation and create what is called the "fantasy effect". This awakens pleasure and activates the senses so the reactions or responses are not only produced by the biological processes that occur once the person ingests an aphrodisiac but, much of the effects, come from the mind and thoughts.

So we can say that aphrodisiacs and imagination go hand in hand. What does mean? Well, If the one who ingests it is not in a frame that implies the development of the fantasy, absolutely nothing will happen.


Wow! Yum! Now im craving!

Theres an awesome Ceviche Ristorante in Berlin/Germany,
sadly i forgot the Name of it BUT i can find it again anytime, no problem! :D
1 <3 Ceviche!