Lamb Burgeers - when will they ever get their day with one of the Fast Food giants in the US?

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Don't get me wrong Beef burgers can be amazing, and I've had some really good chicken burgers as well.

But when I want something different, I go for a lamb burger and there are a couple places in most cities that will have them. In Settle, the Uneeda Burger in Freemont make a very good Medi-Terra Lamb burger with Charred peppers & onions, manchego, tempura lemons, arugula, & cilantro

But I sit here eating this thing always thinking why isn't this burger more mainstream, and why am I paying $13.50 for a lamb burger? Which I actually don't mind because it's that good!

Another place that servers a decent lamb burger is Brouwer’s Cafe also in Freemont.

I just thought for so long that the big fast food corporations have dictated what the public will accept, and I think if they actually got people to try these burgers that it could become a popular trend.

I don't know if it's the beef lobby or what, but it's time for lamb to have it's day in the US. What do you think?


Awesome! That looks delicious!

Apparently both Burger King and McDonald's rolled them out in 2012, in different parts of the world. Who knew?

I like lamb in stews and other dishes where some extra fat is a good thing.