The ones that get at least a smile make it in the list! :D
For a's a video of one of their pizzas (the one with topped with little pizzas):
Similar to my episodic posts (posters, images, tweets...) I am going to aim for between 5-10 entries per post.
(See the comments below for embedded links & images for each item. You can even vote for this post as a whole, or each of the puns individually. I'll know how much you're laughing along with me!)
11.) Ninja....Artists?
12.) Meta....
13.) Clickbait IRL
14.) Humans needed... (Was the drone in the frame at all?)
15.) Just a typical photobomb
16.) Stickers and Kids
17.) Directions from Bill
18.) Studio Ribli
19.) Don't forget to hydrate the human inside
20.) Insert cheeseburger song from Veggie Tales
How did I find their Instagram feed? If I remember correctly, I was on Tumblr looking for FNL related posts. Then found one with Coach Taylor (TBA for Instagram link!).
Do you have favourites? You can add them as a link in the comments Here is my bookmark for the next entry. Alternately... Feedback is welcome here....or via a Tweet.
For upvoting, I had heard from Steve Clark, that it is better to upvote posts that are less than 7 days old. So if you would like to be sure I get rewarded, head here to see newer posts.
Search Terms: New York / Pizza / Cheese / Crust / Vegetables / Sauce / Donatello / Michelangelo / Leonardo da Vinci / Raphael / Special / Off The Menu
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.