It's been a while since I've been away from Steemit.
I've been pretty busy offline and trying to get everything I need to get done together.
Few days ago, I had a chance to clean up photos on my phone and look through them briefly and thought I should return and update my food diary.
I was craving Takoyaki so badly that I went to Little Tokyo by myself to grab some.
I also added spicy tuna roll on the side but it wasn't that good. Takoyaki was just okay as well.
Mystery Bread
On the same day, I went to grab milk tea at a bakery nearby and found this.
I haven't tried it but the name sounds so intriguing! I wonder how it tastes like.
I attended a class at UCLA extension last quarter and captured this view on the way to the classroom from parking structure. I like the contrast between the artificial yellow and natural blue.
JJamppong at 니뽕내뽕
Thai Style Jjambbong 🌟 It used to be my goto food at the time because it's so good and convenience in distance. But, I think I had it too often that I don't really crave it anymore.
Vietnamese Dessert Drinks
Vietnamese dessert drinks have been my recent discovery of likes! It tastes so fresh and healthy. Usually when I describe food tasting healthy, it could mean a polite way of saying "doesn't taste good" but this drink is so DELICIOUS!!! 💗
Perhaps, I should write a more detailed review on this later.
Previous Foodie Diaries
Shabu-shabu at Shabuya
Snow at Bora
October and November Notes
January Notes
Recommendations related to Cryptocurrency
COINBASE USD to Crypto Exchange
BINANCE Alt Coin Exchange
KEEP KEY Cold Wallet
I've never heard of Bambu. Looks good. I'm in the South Bay, but it's such a hassle to get up to LA proper. Have you ever tried Alfred Tea Room!?
The one I went to is in Irvine near 405. There's also another one is Westminster. I wish there's one in LA too. No, I haven't tried Alfred Tea Room yet. I will search it up.
Thanks for the comment!