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RE: Lunch at LaRocca - Cape Town, South Africa

in #food7 years ago

Why Thank you for tempting me 😋😉 got me all hungry.... Lol looks really delicious and seem like a great place to eat.
I just love how you always take pictures of the staff. Hope you and your dad had a great time. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!


Thanks @saffisara! Haha yea you gotta round them all up, hmm, maybe I'll start featuring in my adventures too?

Dunno, feel like its more about the place then about me :)

Hey thank yourself, I just read the amazing post 😁😁hahaha you did all the work.
Yes you should do that, really fun.
But I get it though it is about the place and atmosphere I guess.. Lol
Still hingry though...... Lol