This place is gonna be one of the warmest places on the planet.
The current temperature in Seoul is 38 °C.
The lowest, which means at night, would be 28 °C.
Later this week, we might have rain.
I hope the rain cool down this crazy hot air!
Do you have Baskin robbins ice cream nearby?
I heard there are about 1,300 BR shops all over in South Korea.
We have Häagen-Dazs ice cream shops, which is much less than BR shops in the total number.
I do not quite enjoy cold ice cream, but this is an emergency situation!
So I visited BR.
I usually like to have yogurt or green tea.
I love cheese, but cheese ice cream sounds weird.
Have you tried it?
Which one is your favorite?
Wherever you are, warm or cold,
I hope you enjoy this momnent of the day~