ARTIFICIAL FOOD: Taking A Closer Look At The Ingredients And Their Health Effects - Part 4 - Preservatives BHA And BHT

in #food7 years ago

This series examines common artificial food ingredients and their health effects.

Please note:  This is not meant to be an exhaustive analysis.  It is simply a quick overview of some of the negative health effects associated with BHA and BHT as well as a repository of resources for further research.

BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) – E320


BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) – E321

We’ll start off with BHA

What is it and where is it commonly found?


What it is: Synthetic preservative.   

Commonly found in: Sausage, pepperoni, pizza, canned soup, boxed potatoes, potato chips, drink mixes, canned refried beans, spaghetti sauce, chewing gum.

While these are some of the main foods that BHA is used in, it should also be noted that BHA is used in other products, such as….

Food Packaging 

Petroleum Products 


MMMM, sounds delicious, right?

So what are some of the negative health effects associated with BHA?

Harmful to blood and circulatory system 


Anti-androgenic (Testosterone blocker) 

Anti-estrogenic (Estrogen blocker)

This is not me saying this.  This is information taken from scientists at the National Institutes of Health.  The following is taken directly from various reports on the website regarding BHA.

The existing in vitro studies indicate that BHA presents a weak estrogenic effect and also anti-androgenic properties while an in vivo study found it to have antiestrogenic properties.

Concentrations of 0.75%, BHA and BHT are harmful to the blood.

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals.   

Now let’s have a look at BHT.

What is it and what is it commonly found in?

Again from 


What it is: Synthetic preservative.   

Commonly found in: Cereal, packaged nuts, pepperoni, cake mix, granola bars. 

What are some health effects associated with BHT? 

Kidney Damage 

Liver Damage 

Toxic Effects On Lung Tissue 


The following information is sourced directly from National Institutes of Health reports.

Renal and hepatic damage was seen in male rats. 

Short-term repeated exposure to comparable doses produced hepatic toxic effects in male and female rats. 

In view of the widespread human exposure to BHT in foods, evidence of its hepatotoxicity, and a suggestion of its tumorigenic effect in the lung, it was moved that the compound be considered for retest by the NCI Chemical Selection Working Group.   

It is also worth noting that BHA and BHT have been banned in some parts of the world, but are still widely available in the US.    

Am I saying that absolutely nobody should ever eat this substance? No.  It's your body and you can do what you want with it, as long as it doesn't harm another person.  

I'm simply putting information out there to help people make informed choices.  I will ask this, though.  

When given the option between a product that contains these chemicals and a product that doesn't contain them, why would you choose one with known toxic effects?

The following resources were used in the creation of this article. 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from pixabay 


Great, it's so important to get this sort of information out there, everyone should want to know what they are putting in their bodies right? well i do anyhow, thanks for posting this.

Thanks for reading. Yeah, it's amazing how many things people put in their bodies unknowingly and to their own detriment. And there's no excuse for it now, really, with all the instant info available. Anyway, I do my best to help. Thanks again for the comment.

Also, "Titanium Dioxide", which is a coloring element and it's used almost in ALL DRUGS & SUPPLEMENTS, including statin drugs, blood pressure drugs, vitamin and mineral supplements. It's a CARCINOGEN!

Thanks for the tip. I'll look into it and maybe do an article on it in the future.

Gees I don't think I wanted to know that!

LOL. Maybe sometimes it is better to be blissfully unaware. I'm not trying to ruin potato chips for everyone, I swear.

Thank you for the information and WARNING!.