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RE: 6 Pecan Recipes From Fellow Steemians Guaranteed to Make Your Stomach Growl! #FoodHoliday

in #food6 years ago

You're welcome x 2!! LOL i used to think i wanted to be in the army when i was younger. Then i started spiritual studies, and self-care. And, now i think i am moving towards anarchist! I dislike labels though. And, the fact that soldiers are treated so horribly. During training and as Veterans. Ok!!! Back to the pie. Drools. All the recipes you posted look SO good!!!!


I definitely agree with the whole label thing. Box me in? Oh hell no lol

The treatment of soldiers has come along way, especially since the Vietnam-era, but there's still quite a way to go. Things are much more docile on the spiritual & health side, as long as you can manage to stay away from all of the alternative health naysayers. (Which can be quite difficult!)

Be sure to let me know if you test any of the recipes out! There's so many I want to try, but there just isn't enough time in the day to make them all, or do the exercise needed to work them all off! 🤣

No doubt! LOL i am trying to get a grip on a bunch of tooth pain. So, that's keeping those sweets at bay...for now!

OUCH! 😟 That's not good. Grab some clove bud oil. Or Anbesol. Or a dentist? Lol seriously though, feel better soon!

Clove bud oil is my friend right now. So glad it's in the collection. Been trying to see the dentist almost a month now. It's complicated because I was involved in a very serious mva last year. And, this pain is related to that. Plus, i am nervous about the dentists treatment plan. I saw $$ in his eyes when i went in for consult. So, thinking i need a 2nd/ 3rd opinion but...the pain is being unbearable atm. I hope it passes soon!!! Thanks for extending your kindness 💚💙

Oh no that's horrible! I hope you're able to find a dentist that's actually doing the job to help people and not fund his next Ferrari 😟