Jamur tiram yang sangat enak tiada dua nya | Oyster Mushrooms are very tasty no two of his

in #food7 years ago

Halo sahabat steemit semuanya... !!!
Semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan bahagia walau dimanapun kalian berada. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membagikan beberapa gambar tentang jamur tiram yang sangat indah. Semoga kawan - kawan menyukainya.

Hello Friend steemit everything ...!!!
Hopefully in good health and happy though wherever you guys are. On this occasion I would like to share some pictures of oyster mushrooms. Hopefully my friends loved it.


Diantara jenis jamur yang dapat dikonsumsi, jenis jamur tiram lah yang menurut saya rajanya, kenapa?, karena terbukti dengan banyaknya olahan makanan yang bahan dasarnya terbuat dari jamur tiram yang banyak diminati.

Among the types of fungus that can be consumed, the type of oyster mushroom was the one who struck me as its King, why?, because it is proven with many processed foods are essentially material made of Oyster Mushrooms that are much sought after.


Dengan tingginya minat masyarak mengkonsumsi jamur tiram ini menyebabkan kebutuhan akan jamur tiram menjadi meningkat, terutama bagi para penyaji kuliner yang dimana daftar menunya selalu menghadirkan olahan jamur tiram.

With the high interest masyarak consume oyster mushroom caused the necessity of Oyster Mushrooms be increased, particularly for the culinary Publisher where the menu lists always presents a refined Oyster mushrooms.


Gambar ini saya potret menggunakan kamera samsung galaxy J7pro di salah satu tempat budi daya jamur tiram di pidie aceh

This picture of my portraits using camera samsung galaxy J7pro on one of the oyster mushroom cultivation in pidie aceh


Thanks a lot for his visit and provide support to a very simple post. Please follow me @yunisman to be able to see more of in the future...


Nyan bereh bang @yunisman!

Bek hana sagai...hehe 😃