Greetings to all who looked at my blog!
This spring month is warm, but it is so deceptive .... we have already managed to get a little closer, and no one has canceled all that is needed.
This year, forsythia bushes bloomed much earlier than in the past ...
It is so great to watch the trees change their appearance every day, from cute gray cats, now these are bright fuzzies)
A couple of days were quite cloudy and may not be visible, bright yellow spots, but from far away even in gloomy weather the mood rises at the sight of such beauty!)
Lilacs change every day, it's amazing how nature can grow into huge bushes in such a short period of time from scratch!
For the macro, you may need a new lens, but sometimes you manage to make a couple of beautiful shots ...
Our prolesok near the house becomes more and more beautiful and very soon everything will grow)
Everybody is happy about spring, but especially birds, of which there is a huge amount!
Thank you all for your attention and for your support!
Regards @olechkarud