
His words have made history thanks for sharing the video to reflect and enforce our rights with companies that see us as raw material

We were told the following: If President Ker really tried to get something more liberal from the regents during his phone conversation why didn't he make any public statement about it and the answer we received, of in well-intentioned liberal, was the Next: He said, "Can you imagine a company manager making one of the public statements that opposes his board of directors? That's the answer.
Well, I ask you to consider this: if this is a company, and if the Council of Regents is the board of directors, and if President Kerr is in fact the manager, then I say to you: teachers are a lot of employees and we are the raw material but we are A raw material that is not ready to be processed
We are not willing to be converted into any product, we are not willing to be bought by clients of the university, already the governments, the industry, the organized labor, whoever it is we are human beings

There comes a point where the funcionamineto of the bike machine becomes so hateful, it hurts so much in the bowels, that you can not collaborate with it, you can not collaborate not even passively. You have to throw your body on the levers, on the wheels, on the gears on the whole apparatus, and you must stop it and has to indicate to the people who handle it, to its owners that while we are not free to prevent the machine function at all......Mario Savio-1964

You're back! Good to see you here again @canditits95

I pop in here and there😅

Ah well, I miss your dlive show. You had good info and a pleasant passion for crypto.

Haven't seen you on for ages, hope you're both well there.