benefit their current agendas.
This Outrageous law has since been taken up by the Swedish Government who outlawed homeschooling in 2010, and now it seems that the laws in many other countries are slowly changing to make it easier for state-sponsored kidnapping to take place on a regular basic.
We recently felt the full force of this law as were told by the Swedish school board that if we did not send our child to school then the child protection services would be informed of this "worrying situation" and our children would most likely be taken into foster care.

We did not hand over our children and decided to go on the run like many other Swedish and German families who are now seeking refuge in countries whose governments have not yet outlawed homeschooling.
This is a snippet from an article written about the current state of affairs in Sweden.
Described by lawyer Michael Donnelly, director of international relations for the US-based Home Schooling Legal Defence Association as "the darkest of régimes for families in Western Europe" because of its family policy, many are beginning to question whether Sweden is truly a Western-type democracy at all and are comparing it with the defunct communist East Germany.
The record is certainly bad. With as many as 10,000 to 20,000 children out of an overall population of 8 million being taken away from their parents each year in what has become one of Europe's worst state-sanctioned child trafficking businesses, and on the flimsiest of pretexts, by a highly corrupt and unaccountable Social Services system, the boastful image that Sweden is one of the most democratic and enlightened democracies in the 21 century is becoming badly tarnished.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
“I believe governments are only getting away with this because homeschoolers are a minority and their usual tactic is to wipe out minorities with relative ease before they become the majority.”
I would now like to share with you just some of the stories I have found that are very concerning, I believe the more people are aware of such atrocities the more we can start to do something about it and even if you are not a homeschooler, I think this information can be a valuable insight into what we are heading towards if we continue to allow this state ownership of our children.
This is The Wunderlich family from Germany.

There story is hard to believe but it's real, it happened, and it continues to happen on a daily basis, please take a few minutes to read what happened to them.
“When I went outside, our neighbour was crying as she watched. I turned around to see my daughter being escorted as if she were a criminal by two big policemen. They weren’t being nice at all. When my wife tried to give my daughter a kiss and a hug goodbye, one of the special agents roughly elbowed her out of the way and said – ‘it’s too late for that.'”
Please follow this LINK to for the whole story.

The Tutt family from Texas.

I was shocked to come across this story of a lovely caring family being terrorised by the CPS. I was always under the impression that The States had a good reputation for homeschooling but it seems governments all over the world are gearing up for total state ownership of all children.

Please follow LINK for more.

This is the story of Domenic Johansson from Sweden who was forcibly removed from a plane as his Family tried to leave the country.

I have featured this story in previous posts but if you have not read it then I highly recomend that you take a look as it is a shocking example of the lengths these governments will go to when claiming back it's property.
Please follow the LINK for more about this tragic story.

These are just a few examples of what can only be described as an epidemic of state-approved child abduction, I am hoping the deeper I delve into this madness that I will start to uncover how and why we as a society have ended up in this situation? but untill then I can only sit here and scratch my head in pure disbelief that we are allowing this to happen.
Knowledge is power and I do believe the more people become aware of
stories like these then the harder it will be for the state to tear famillies apart with such ease.
Peace and love to the world.
Please follow this LINK to for the whole story.
The Tutt family from Texas.
I was shocked to come across this story of a lovely caring family being terrorised by the CPS. I was always under the impression that The States had a good reputation for homeschooling but it seems governments all over the world are gearing up for total state ownership of all children.
Please follow LINK for more.
This is the story of Domenic Johansson from Sweden who was forcibly removed from a plane as his Family tried to leave the country.
I have featured this story in previous posts but if you have not read it then I highly recomend that you take a look as it is a shocking example of the lengths these governments will go to when claiming back it's property.
Please follow the LINK for more about this tragic story.
These are just a few examples of what can only be described as an epidemic of state-approved child abduction, I am hoping the deeper I delve into this madness that I will start to uncover how and why we as a society have ended up in this situation? but untill then I can only sit here and scratch my head in pure disbelief that we are allowing this to happen.
Knowledge is power and I do believe the more people become aware of
stories like these then the harder it will be for the state to tear famillies apart with such ease.
An amazingly good article, - both in thought and in writing style. Even though I went to very good schooling, I have always been a supporter of freedom to choose homeschooling over bad and authoritarian schools. Today, education has become very expensive. Good schooling is beyond the common man's pocket. So what should the masses do ? Send their kids to state-run authoritarian , unsafe schools? Or move towards home schooling. I choose homeschooling. It never occurred to me that schools are a way of controlling & brainwashing the youth. The textbooks are rigged. The information fed to children is half truth or absolute lie. Schools are producing zombies. And this is true for all nations today. We are living in times of neo-fascism, I believe. The sooner we realise this, the better it is for us. This is one of the best features I have read on Steemit :)
Upvoted and followed. :)
Wow thank you for you words of encouragement, it actually took me 2 days to put this post together so I am happy to get such a comment from you:)
Yes you are right, good education is only fond where the money is, state schools seem to be churning out factory workers and consumers who can't think for them selves nowadays.
Thank you for taking your time to read this post and for sharing your thoughts on this situation.
I can believe that it took two days for you to put the post together. It has great information. You are most welcome.
And thank you for reading and responding to my comment. :). You gave me a new insight to an age old problem :)
And sorry for the delayed response.
Followed :)
This is sad to see even though it seems to be coming down the pike. I've given my children the decision to make on there own, one chose homeschooling the other chose city schools, I've seen nothing but good come from my oldest child's decision for homeschooling.
That's great that you give them the choice,
I believe children are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves which is we are always asking our kids what they think is best for them.
Thanks for your feedback.
Thank you @markwhittam for having the courage to speak up, we really need to shine a light on these atrocities! At the moment I think it's quite a gamble to home school in Sweden especially if you have an alternative perspective and lifestyle.
Yes I agree, alternativ perspectives are generally not appreciated in Sweden. Allt ska vara lagom.
Just when I start to think about having children, I am reminded of what a despicable group of humans claim to be in charge of the people.
It's so sad to think that we have given them this power by registering the birth of our children into their system which gives them the power to take their property whenever they choose.
As an unschooling dad, I find this all highly disturbing, and I have to say its hard for me to read these terrible stories. But it is important to keep them going, and to tell the world that the state does not have the right to tell you how to bring up your kids. The British government (where I live) has a god awful track record when it comes to protecting children, so when they literally kidnap kids from loving homes, simply because their parents don't want them indoctrinated with the government's agenda, it makes me so angry. Thanks for this post @markwhittam, and good luck to you in your journey. You're an inspiration.
Hello @anarcotech,
Respect for unschooling your offspring, It is heartbreaking to find these stories and we are very lucky that we didn't become one of them.
I am originally from the UK and I also grew up in the the care system so I am all too aware of the atrocities that often take place in care, I was a gobby little toe rag so I came out of it without any major disasters, but I have many friends that were not so lucky.
That being said I do believe in karma and I am very sure that the people responsible for all these atrocities are starting to feel the heat.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
We think we are free until your children are taken from you for a variety of reasons. Homeschooling is a big threat to the state (whatever country you are in) because homeschoolers are free thinkers and usually have a strong belief in God, the Father.
Thank you for this informative, albeit sad new post. My prayers are with all who care about family and community while the state takes and takes and takes.
Yes @yoginiofoz you are so right, governments don't want free thinkers, they want dumbed down sheep who are good at working in factories and paying tax.
And as "they" devalue the currency, there will be more willing folks to joint the ranks of the military for "their" endless wars. If only people would wake up to the obvious manipulations of the masses!!
Stay strong. There are more of us than them, and more waking up each day.
Everyday Americans have to jump through some serious bueracratic hoops to homeschool. Some religious communities have set up a process to make it easier for their members, but it's not a bastion of homeschooling over here.
We have to denounces these Ilegal acts. In Perú also there are kidnapping to any person only for testimony of anybody you can see at or Unfortunality these Ilegal acts many times are not punishment for the corruption of some authorities. We have to get together and combat these Illicits.
Yes @kouba01 together we are unstoppable
wow - sobering - thanks for getting awareness out - people need to know
Thank you @breakthrough I fear that many people are not aware of the power we have given these governments.
thats why I'm in on that BTC life - my friends and fam are starting to come around...everything is driven my the dolla bills
Are you a citizen of a democratic country. It is very disgusting friend,all the people are victimised with the hands of some monsters called government. Please be careful with the system, your kids may not be hunted. You are very right friend,homeschooler are minority so they have the courage to suppress. I am worried about you guys please think some things very strong. Wish you good luck good health and happiness in life so that you can fight for your right. Happy steeming friend.
Thank you for your kind words @maya7
I feel we escaped this crazy country just in time bit now I feel it's my duty to warn others, a lot of people are not aware of these atrocities.
Thanks for reading and commenting :)
Most welcome my dear friend, if you want than you can think about my place at least for some days, without tensions. Wish you all the best.
Really heartbreaking real life stories my friend! How come in such a modern world we have to witness such barbaric way of function of the government?
You are right, this is so as the homeschoolers are a minority, but all this will change with time my friend. Very soon.
Yes @progressivechef I am hoping in time the people will overcome these injustices.
Thanks for your support.
normal citizens are mere pawns to the government and we have to bear the atrocities of some few men in power just because we choose to give them that power. These people should be stripped off their titles with immediate effect. what happened during the Fuhrer's reign was an act of supremacy over others but if this still happens then we all are to blame to let these things happen to us!! :/
Yes @poohs I totally agree with you on this, we are to blame because we have given them the power, let's not forget that the politicians are supposed to work for us.
If everyone turned off the TV for 5 minutes they might be able to see what's Really going on, governments have used propaganda for years to make everyone scared of each other thus separating us to make us an easy targets, all we need to do is band together and just say NO!!! Your time is up Mr politician.
That's the only solution! Change begins with us :)
Great post @markwhittam
Western Governments are getting out of control in recent years, who do they think they are deciding what is best. Most politicians are corrupt and pathetic weasels who have no right to intervene in family matters.
Thanks for bringing this to light dude.
Thank you @tremendospercy, I fear they are getting out of control because everyone is to busy and distracted to do anything about it.
Here is a great resource for parents here in the US.
With state control of nearly everything in our lives, you better find a place where you can safely have your children taught as you see fit. It's a terrible world we live in when ultimately you are forced against your will at the point of a gun.
You did absolutely the right thing Mark. The current system has to fall and it is falling. Who are you to call yourself "parrents" if you didn't do everything in your power to protect you kids, and OFCOURSE YOU DO, because you are good parrents.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you for your insight @mackjez-santos
Appreciated as always :)
This unschooling movement that I've only discovered on steemit has me hopeful about having kids, something which I never felt before. I hope to see it grow despite the craziness of most states.
Thanks for doing what you can to educate us about these issues.
Yes @whatamidoing, the unschooling/homeschooling community is strong here which is very encouraging, we have received an abundance of support on our journey for freedom and it has really helped us get through being terrorized by the state.
I shall continue to warn people just so they can be a bit more prepared.
Thanks for stopping by.
It is a very sad state of affairs when government does things to control everything. They do it under the pretenses that they are doing it for the children. You probably need to research how these confiscated children eventually turned out. It will be surprising to hear their stories or if they were brained washed.
I get so mad when children are being put through something so horrendous and cruel. To take a child from the safety of their family is something that will change their lives forever. I am saddened to read about the other three families.
Keep up your mission to educate the people and the world. In a way the government is actually breaking one of their own rules.....child abuse! Take care Mark!
Hi @cabbagepatch, the sad thing is I these are kids are most like being abused once they have been taken, I know this for a fact because I grew up in the care of state in foster care and care homes. I was a tough little kid with a big mouth, but I have many friends that were easy prey for these monsters, and some of the stories I have heard would give you nightmares, many are too scared to even tell there best friend but you can see it in their eyes.
I am convinced these children are taken to give these monsters a steady supply of broken souls, sorry to be so graphic but it has been happening for years.
This is what gives me my motivation.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
You know Mark, I think you really need to write a book about this or contact the media to bring light to this situation. These people really need to be exposed to everyone and the world. Steemit is great but we all need to go beyond this to reach more people. I don't know if there is an organization that can activate protests or something to show what cruelty there is. I wish I knew what to do but you are doing such a great job with your posts. Maybe an investigative reporter can be contacted. Keep up the great work. It is really so sad and cruel. Fortunately you came out stronger and wiser but others won't. Thank-you Mark! Good luck!!!
Shocking and people still believe we live in a free world!
Thank you for this well put together bundle of informations. Unfortunatelly this is very real. And I have to add that we have some private orphanages in Germany which are often highly suspicious to be involved in a child traffick ring.
Like the famous case of the Hasenburg for example (I just noticed that there is not a single report on that in english. I think I know what to do now … ;) ).
I got sued by a politician when I wrote a piece about it a few years ago. Politicians, federal prosecuters and judges are highly involved. We have to ffight it!
great post!upvoted from @neowne
It is great post . very useful. thanks for your posting. 100% like and resteem.
have a nice day.
Great history and excellent post . this is valuable.
Thank you
it is great you are letting people know what is going on.
Thank you @rebeccabe
Nice of you to drop in :)
This is so sad. I don't understand what the state gains by enforcing these ridiculous rules.
Some children are probably getting a better education at home.
Thank you for this post..remember me about history..., keep peace the world..and save the earth
Names, shapes and faces have changed, but the ideology still is the same. Even the law you mentioned is still the same today in Germany. Unfortunately there are much more sad stories similar to the ones you mentioned.
There was a German family who could escape to France, but when they felt they were save French special forces raid their home and took their child away.
I followed and upvoted.
That's heartbreaking and scary. I fear similar may start being rolled out across Australia as homeschoolers New South Wales are fighting their ever tightening laws.
Wow this is incredibly scary! Going to read upon these families you have linkednow
What's going on with the world, momma?
Great post! Hitler also hosted summer youth indoctrination for young boys.
That might had been one of the many components to all the following he had. Thank you for sharing. @splendorhub
hey mark
thank you once again for your informative and courageous posts.
you have a dead link to the story of the Wunderlich family.
cheers from marion