Monsanto Marijuana? Say it isn't so! George Soros, Bayer, and Monsanto attempt to monopolize and kill the weed industry.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

Many of you have likely heard of the notoriously corrupt George Soros, Monsanto, and Bayer so I'll spare you the history lesson on these three gems and just get to the information I wanted to share about the recent threat to the freedom of the cannabis industry.


Apparently, George Soros who I think deserves the nickname "Sith Lord George Soros Master of Chaos" has been working with Monsanto who's well known for their weed killer "Round Up Ready" along side with Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Anyone who's done their research on these enemies of humanity knows that anything these "three amigos of destruction" touch ends up being toxic and damaging to the health of the population. Now they want to corrupt, manipulate, and attempt to monopolize and poison the worlds truly natural medicine.


Here's an article from that covers more information along with some information from the article below.

UPDATE to the original post. Apparently some parts of the original article were not entirely true about the GMO strain of marijuana. I still wouldn't put it past them with trying to sabotage or monopolize the weed industry in the future.

Taken from article above. "Leading the charge is George Soros, a major shareholder in Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company and producer of genetically modified seeds. Monsanto is the biotech giant that brought you Agent Orange, DDT, PCBs, dioxin-based pesticides, aspartame, rBGH (genetically engineered bovine growth hormone), RoundUp (glyphosate) herbicides, and RoundUp Ready crops (seeds genetically engineered to withstand glyphosate).
Monsanto now appears to be developing genetically modified (GMO) forms of cannabis, with the intent of cornering the market with patented GMO seeds just as it did with GMO corn and GMO soybeans. For that, the plant would need to be legalized but still tightly enough controlled that it could be captured by big corporate interests. Competition could be suppressed by limiting access to homegrown marijuana; bringing production, sale and use within monitored and regulated industry guidelines; and legislating a definition of industrial hemp as a plant having such low psycho-activity that only GMO versions qualify. Those are the sorts of conditions that critics have found buried in the fine print of the latest initiatives for cannabis legalization."

More information at this link.

A video I did a few months back about Bayer and Monsanto

I've been trying to spread the word and figure out other ways to inform the cannabis industry so they may take action against this from happening. The importance of keeping our cannabis and our food clean for the long term and avoiding corrupt corporations monopolizing it is in all of our best interests even for those who don't use it. I thought sharing this information on steemit and getting the conversation started would be a good start. I'll be researching and adding more information to this topic as I find out more so please follow, comment, resteem, and upvote to help spread the word.


Oh that's bad. But kind of expected wasn't it? If you allow marihuanna on the legal market, the big players can get involved as well. And they will if it's profitable.

Definitely not surprising. The "three amigos of destruction" as I like to call them love corrupting and poisoning anything they get their hands on it seems.

Of course monsanto wants to get in on the action to poison the planet!

The weed shops need to boycott these criminals if they try to monopolize the market. Hopefully the word will get out. Please share if you can.

I'd be doing the same if I were them. But isn't marijuana already fairly weed resistant?

Taking over and monopolizing industries is what these criminals do best. Its really up to us and those involved in the cannabis and hemp industries to stop them from taking complete control. It doesn't have to do with the round up ready weed killer as much as its about the overall lack of integrity and honesty from these criminals and crimes against humanity over the years. Time will tell I guess but I want them as far away from our food, weed, and most anything for that matter lol.

Don't worry, this was originally posted on a satirical/fake news site, and it's not true. See this article on Snopes:

Thank you and good looking out about the article. Wouldn't put it past them for trying to monopolize it in the future though lol.