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RE: Total Control of Information Means the End of Free Speech, Hive, and Cryptocurrency

in #freedom3 years ago

A lot of people feel that there is nothing they can do about any of the challenges we face, and that they have no chance of surmounting them. I can sympathize, but I don't allow all the problems of the world to be one big pile. When I do my best to take each one individually, there's usually something I can do to improve my chances for each separate one, or surmount it. Spiking food prices and looming shortages, perhaps even famine, is resolvable by gardening. In addition to overt gardens, adding some guerilla gardens in roadcuts, shady glades, or vacant lots adds security from overt gardens being seized, banned, or etc. Having a vertical farm in a sunny window or even in the basement under strip LEDs, enables food to be grown even if it's too dangerous to get out to a garden outside regularly, such as during draconian lockdowns or curfews. Having some solar panels or other power source enables those strip lights and an aquarium bubbler to be powered even if electricity prices go through the roof, or the supply is no longer sufficient from the grid. Using three of these methods concurrently enables me to have a pretty robust food security situation, which I strongly recommend.

I solve the surveillance problem of cell phones by not carrying one. Etc, etc. By breaking up the suite of problems we face, I create soluble bits and pieces. Individually resolved, together they reduce my vulnerability significantly compared to someone so demoralized they don't try to do anything because they can't fix everything, or even know for sure what everything they face is.

Nothing is perfect, but better is...well, better.


Inspriational super-quote of the day, brother!