Then came a day, I was told he has traveled back home to our hometown, to a kid of my age then that's a very good news because, sure, he's going to bring a lot of home goodies, gift from grandpa and grandma, going home is synonymous with an all-expense paid trip to the largest mall.
But after two weeks, my uncle is yet to come back, am sure I asked mum then when he's coming back, mum always told me he'll come soon. Well, the soon never came, I learned he died after three months of sickness. The root of the diseases is not known.

Listening to the convo, I was weak, this is the first time in years ill come to the full knowledge of what killed Uncle Layi. It was cancer, cancer that was termed as a spiritual arrow.
Truly, ignorance is no defense and Health is Wealth.
If by any chance you're coming across this post, please do well to go and check up yourself instead of self-medicating in a trado-medical way.
Don't go the way of my uncle. He was warned by my dad severally, but he thought otherwise. He was scared of the cost of hospital bills, the bed rest, now he's gone. Technology is advancing by the day, why not elongate your life a little. Many videos exist online on exercises, health fitness and classes you can take to get back to your normal life. God has given mankind everything he needs to survive on earth, why will anyone not take advantage of that and live life to the fullest?.
Remember, we only have this one life to live, no one has a spare in his cupboard.
I live a miserable life and this post is just like a warning for me.Thanks.
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So sad you lost someone so impressive and important to you.
Perhaps, the illness is both a spiritual arrow and something that can be treated with modern medicine. If I were diagnosed, I think I would want the best practices from both worlds--traditional and modern.
This story is totally true!
COURTESY: @julietisrael
Nice Job. 👍
Tragic story- my condolences. It's just awful that all over the world the cost of medical care prevents folks from seeking help.
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