Sweater ....
Particularly I have some constumbres with this type of garment! I am not constantly wearing a sweater, unless it is something cold or raining at that time.
¡Gracias por leerme! Thanks for reading me!
However, since I met my husband, that is to say since we were boyfriends I love wearing his sweater hahaha .. when we go to the movies or something cold, I do not know why I have this habit, I do not even use my sweater, I prefer the I think that size, some bigger sizes or his smell ... it's something that I love ... and he also loves that I use it! Do you do the same?
I think it took me less than 5 minutes to write a short story about today's subject, but when I wear the other's sweater I take hours hahaha
Read all #Freewrite participants from the hand of @mariannewest is very nice
what an excellent sweater to have handy!! Keeps you warm, smells good and makes you write fast! LOL
hahaha is very effective
Hahah, yes indeed I have worn my partner’s sweater on occasion.
Happily mine are too small for him to fit into.
It’s your Wednesday encouragement team here with today’s prompt: