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RE: I Can Definitely Relate to this Prompt! - Freewrite Prompt: Visit

in #freewrite6 years ago

Dropping by and supporting your post @denion, due to the entry of it, by @stever82, into our Pay It Forward Community's weekly curation contest. As part of the @pifc community, we would encourage you to check into it.

”It became part of my weekly schedule to slot in time for hospital visitations“

”Will be meeting the specialist later for a major update and major decision to make“

While details are likely different, I have been in exactly this same place. With one of my sons a long time ago. I know the inexpressible frustration of a father who is completely powerless to do anything to help his child in the face of a life-threatening situation. All you can do is hope those who have the skills to attempt to address it "give it everything they have to offer" to save them. As you helplessly wait to learn the final outcome ...

Thankfully, all turned out well for my family. Today, he is 33 yrs. old and the proud father of two of our grandchildren. Our family's thoughts and prayers are with you @denion, for a similar outcome!

And, along the way, thank you for your effort here to add value to our Steem blockchain!

P.S. Love the "scambuster" part of your profile. We just can't have too many good people like yourself "stomping out" those who can't seem to figure out something better to do with themselves than inflict harm on the rest of us!


hey roleerob! thanks for the encouraging words! indeed after this incident, i really know more parents who gone through this process as well and yea just knowing that there are parents out there who went through such phase of life and able to tell you how to go through it. oh not to forget to thanks @stever82 as well!

Yes @denion ...

"... i really know more parents who gone through this process as well ..."

... very important. Very valuable!

During our own trial, we drew very close to a couple going through the exact same challenge we were facing with our son. Their little girl went through surgery first, followed immediately behind by our son. While told the odds and prepared for the worst, they both survived it.

Miraculously seven days later, we were able to take our son home. Driving down the hill from the hospital, a car raced past us going up to the hospital. While I don't normally notice such things, I looked to see who was in the car and had a sinking feeling it was this couple.

That night, they called us and asked how our son was doing. We told them how thankful we were for how well. When we asked how their daughter was doing, temporarily there was silence.

"We lost our little Diana tonight ..." Words I will never forget. Why do some make it and some don't? I do not profess to be wise enough to know ...

All the best to you and yours @denion. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers, for we have been through it ...