Overcoming the ghosts of our past

in #freewriterslast year

Do you sometimes have vivid dreams about people you are trying to forget, like an ex, a friend, or someone you had painful memories with! I think all of us had good and bad experiences and there were people in our lives that we try hard to forget. This can be frustrating and confusing, but it's actually very normal. Our dreams often reflect our thoughts, even if we think that we don't have them They are still there, very deep in out unconscious mind. Also, our deep-seated emotions and experiences, no matter how hard we try to suppress them when we are awake.

There are several reasons why we dream about people we are trying to forget. Sometimes we feel incredibly stressed or overwhelmingly anxious, and that can make these dreams more frequent even if we don't want them. It is also possible that we haven't fully processed our complicated emotions related to that specific person, and our subconscious mind is still trying to work through them in a profound way.

If you're tired of dreaming about a specific person that you are trying to forget, there are a few things you can try. First, don't try to ignore your powerful feelings. Instead, write them down, talk to a friend or someone you trust. I keep a diary and it is my only good friend. And that's because it doesn't judge me. I love to write about everything I feel when I feel sad or depressed. It is as my diary can understand me and listen to me whenever I want.

You can also try to relax before bed with things like meditation or deep breathing exercises. Creating a new and relaxing bedtime routine, will definitely make a big difference. You can start reading books or even listening to Audiobooks. I enjoy listening to Audiobooks until I fall asleep. They help me stop thinking about unnecessary things and also to easily relax and fall asleep. Listening to calming music, such as meditation music, sounds of rain or forests, can also help. Lastly, remember that healing takes time, even if those old memories keep coming back. It is OK to have occasional setbacks along the way.

Finally, dreaming about people we are trying to forget is very normal, and sometimes intense. Acknowledging our emotions, creating a new and soothing bedtime routine, and practicing relaxation techniques will definitely reduce those dreams. All we need is patience and finding happiness somewhere better! Even if we think it is hard to forget, we will wake up one day and not remember anything...

Image Sources: Pixabay