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in #fruitsandveggiesmonday β€’ 6 years ago

Miss Lena! I don't understand what you're saying. I mean, I know that you're saying we should eat raw fruits but we already are aren't we? That's what I had today, not from the tree though.

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I am sorry Janton, what I mean is that some vegans, they call fruitarians, believe that we can thrive only on fruits. Many of them actually do live eating only raw fruits and nuts and they are very healthy and athletic. They just make some smoothies, that's all. The only reason I am saying that is because that way we would not have to make complicated meals.

However, I do not make complicated meals often anyway. My favorite meal is whole grain chia toast with avocado, cucumber and campari tomatoes. Scramble tofu, sups, salads and smoothies. I only make complex recipe for my blog and special occasions. However, even if you make complex recipe, you can make enough for few days or put in the freezer for example veggie burgers. It is all about changing habits and taste buds. It's good for the brain too. Being creative :)

Howdy Miss Lena! Ok, this all makes sense. I didn't know there was such a thing as Chia bread! lol. that must be super healthy.

What do you think about being a Fruitarian? It doesn't seem easy to get all the protein you need, especially if you are trying to maintain muscle size. Is it even possible?

Oh yes the whole vegan thing is a great brain exercise, I'm still trying to get mine to comprehend it! lol. But I'm getting there.

I know it can be overwhelming Janton. I am vegan 7 years and I am still learning. Regarding fruitarianism, as I mention before, gorillas are huge they live om fruits so this whole protein business is really just a big scheme from the meat industry. Neverthelss,, I am not sure if everyone is able to be fruitarian at this point. Maybe future generations could be and also, I believe it has a lot to do what climate an individual lives in. But don't worry about that now. If everyone could just go vegan with in 10 years that would be great.

howdy Miss Lena! I understand. To go vegan within 10 years is a pretty big goal don't you think? lol.
So do Vegans have a problem with Vegetarians and visa versa?

Well, they are vegans who have problem with everybody, but I am trying to stay away form them, lol. Vegetarians, usually don't have a problem with vegans, only if they get attacked. There is lots of debates going on on Facebook, but I am staying away from that, I learned my lesson, lol.

yes! I hardly even give my opinion about anything anymore just to avoid trouble! lol. except your beautiful posts of course but my opinions there are all positive anyway.

Because you are afraid of me? LOL!!! Well you do ask lots of questions, which is fine, but if you are not sure about my answers, you can tell me and I will give you few articles to read, but I will not have a debate with you.

no debate? good me either! you couldn't get me to debate if you wanted to. lol. yeah, debating doesn't change people's minds it just makes them angry.

No I wasn't talking about you when I said I hardly give my opinions any more lol. I don't have any opinions about vegan except that it seems very healthy from what I've seen so far.

The only thing negative about vegan is apparently some vegans are violently arguing and going crazy with other people about it so that gives vegans a bad name even though vegan itself has nothing to do with crazy people.