
Thank you VERY much for your generosity! It is GREATLY appreciated! I consider myself to be generous. I try to be as generous as I can afford. I am a HUGE believer of karma. I also just try to be a good person. I strongly agree that God helps those that help themselves. Very interesting story about your Friend who spent the winter in Miami beach. I hope all is well and Thank You again VERY much for the awesome Truth or Dares! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

it comes to the point where it has actually become a professional occupation. why not just go work down south makes sense, why freeze and suffer unbearable weather when it's just a bus ride away, i guess i'm a better giver than taker because it's not a job that can provide me with my self respect which i value whatever little i have left at the end of the day that's why i am always grateful :P

I couldn't agree more stronger my Friend! I absolutely love your Truth or Dares and your GREAT replies. Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Primero que nada, buenas tardes... Agradezco que hayas compartido tu historia... Me gusta pensar que soy una persona generosa, y esto no solo significa que puedo dar dinero, sino que también se compartir sin esperar nada a cambio. Como a ti, creo que nos ha pasado a muchos el ser engañados por personas sin escrúpulos. Una vez estaba con mi hermana retirando dinero del cajero automático, cuando una mujer mayor (60 años en adelante) se nos acercó y nos pidió algo de dinero para comprar pan, pues había pasado todo el día y aun no había comido nada. Nosotras, que no teníamos problemas con ayudar, le dimos un par de billetes... Luego que la mujer se fuera, nosotras caminamos por la calle mirando las tiendas. De repente mi hermana dice: "Mira hacia allá!" Mi sorpresa fue al ver a la misma mujer tomando una cerveza en la licorería. LOL

amazingly enough i have had the same experience, all day long i walk all over my neighborhood where there are a few regular beggars but i noticed one day one particular old guy in a wheel chair spent the afternoon on the plaza later that day a walked over to the market and spotted him with a king can of beer and his buddies all smiles, so i walked over and said hi with a big smile enjoy ! it helps a lot not to feel bad for these guys sometimes :)

Hola amigo si en realidad la vida te da sorpresas sorpresas te da la vida, muchas personas se aprovechan de nuestro lado generoso,

Cierto día una niña estaba pidiendo dinero en la puerta de un establecimiento comercial donde suelo ir a comprar el pan a diario , la salude y le dije no te doy dinero te daré un pan para que comas algo , ella me miro y me dijo no gracias es dinero lo que yo te estoy pidiendo. luego me quede observando no muy lejos de allí, para mi sorpresa la madre enviaba a la niña a pedir dinero. que tal yo queriendo ayudar y la madre de esa niña muy malvada utilizando a la niña para conseguir algunos centavos quien sabe para que.

You are the generous person. Thank for helps minnows like us..😅 I think I'll generous to certain people only, beggar who is able to walk, able to see and had a normal physically I'll not give them money. I'm not cheap especially asking someone to give me money without I not doing for them.

if we all write something interesting it's like a social board where we can voice an opinion makes it interesting for everyone, it's hard to categorize people because for the most part they don't know anything else or even want to try to do better, they suffer a sort of self resigned defeat.

Maybe they can't think other ways to make their life better. They not been exposed to outside other then their world .

if they knew how to write or even better liked writing i would tell them to get on Steemit and start blogging

☺ Yah,they should been expose there still had other sources of income which is from writing in steemit.

Yes i am. Sometimes we misunderstand generously and sympathy. Generous means we give with joy without intention or expecting something in return. But sympathy is different, because we feel sorry for someone who is not capable, then we act to give. I personally love to give, i don't even care the person needs or not, for giving is my joy and satisfaction. God is the most generous we learn from Him

yes we have a similar view of how to award or efforts, the real problem that i think is deeply root in us is the we have expectations, from ourselves and others but sometimes they can actually show us life's simple truths.

Yes I am generous but need to see the condition too whether that beggar is really hopeless as we afraid of beggars syndicate that is very wide spread nowadays. I'm not cheap at all 😑.

Thank you so much @darsico. You are very generous 😊

The simple truth is that I am not generous.

At least that's what I think. Sure I do charity and sure occasionally I would go out of my way to do it but my heart....... I have a heart of a miser.

it's more like have and have not very difficult to give away what you don't have or have very little of

Yes, I am

I do my best to be generous with friends and family!

not everyone can be generous in this age. but for me, we must be generous at the right time and circumstance. but when a blind man comes to give alms, I will give as much as I can. sometimes I feel sorry for the need .. i will try to help what i can afford to help ..

I really love this, being generous is really good, for me i am... I love helping people without expecting anything in return..and i have joy whenever i do so.

of course I am becoming generous after seeing your generosity. Its a boost of hope getting that upvote in times when minnows arent smiling. Thanks s much

Am generous because i keep inviting people to this platform so they can earn too.

I guess I am selectively generous. In one sense I will not give to charity organisations and 'professional' beggars as most of the time the money will not do what it was supposed to do. However, I will be generous to friends and relative who are in need.


Beautiful .. work great from you
I try to be easy with everything in my life
Thanks for sharing

Great work posted here. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing ;)


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