First Theater Experience

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

I took Zander (2.5) to the movie theater for the very first time today. He was excited! Im not sure if it was because he was getting to see a movie or if it was because it was just him and I, but I'm going to say it was because it was just him and I 😉
We first made a stop at the dollar store so we could get a couple snacks, he got Mike and Ike's while I got Hot Tamales, this information is important but for later on.
We got to the movie theater and walked it, well we kind of happily hopped. I asked a couple workers if they had a "first movie visitor can't finish rain check" policy? She said if we don't make it past the first half of the movie I can go talk to the purchase booth and they'll give me a couple rain check passes. Whew!!
So we scan our tickets and go to the concession line. We fill up our refillable popcorn bucket, refill our refillable cup and get an honest apple juice. $9.95!! Probably the cheapest I've ever spent at the concession stand EVER!!
We then walk to our theater and start our hike up the stairs, guys Zander was a trooper! I didn't realize how much taller these stairs were than normal stairs until he had to climb them but they are and he did it! We get to the top/back of the theater to our chairs and he climbs up into his seat. I set all our things down on my tray then place a couple napkins on his tray and pour some popcorn on them. IMG_7392.jpg
Punch his straw through his juice packet with a lot of challenge. Idk why they make these straws either sharp like swords or dull like spoons. I got a spoon straw this time! Anyway give him his juice and set his box of Mike and Ike's out for him. I then take my seat and we get comfy. By now they've played 10min of previews so only 10 more to go. One movie that looks super fun is "Small foot", google it 😉
Movie starts and so does Zander. One helpful tip, either A: wear something you don't really care about or B: don't give your child candy that makes their hands sticky. They will tap your arm every couple seconds to point to the screen to make sure you're paying attention to the movie. You smile and say "I know a cow" or "I know that's funny" or "I know" etc...
He has now moved to sitting on the arm rest, won't tell him that it made me a little jealous that he was taller and could see a little better, anyway I notice this little hand reaching into the popcorn bucket. Not a big deal but he still has a pile of popcorn on his napkins on his tray. So I think ok I'll just dump that popcorn into the bucket and we'll share. Zander thought this was a great idea too and even helped me dump the popcorn. Thanks buddy!
Moving on, we have now realized there's a button that reclines the chair, this is fun and we get told a few times to stop doing this. Funnily enough though, the chair reclined gives him a good little bump to sit on but he's still not tall enough so I set my purse under him and now he's fine. Sits for a good 20min?
We've now found it's more fun to try the empty chair out on my left and he does find the recline button on this one too. So I get his old chair back to its upright position and move all his things to his new chair. IMG_7399.jpg
He now rests his head up against my shoulder so I kiss the top of his head. I guess he thought it was a good idea so he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I say thank you. He says elcome. And this continues for about 5min.
He is now asking me for hot tamales. He's been asking but I kept telling him no so I finally say ok you can have one. I give him a hot tamale, he pops it on his mouth chews it a little, spits it out and hands it right back to me, lol, guess he doesn't like them.
He asks for a drink so I hand him my tea thinking his juice is empty. No no, it's not empty. He still has juice but needed to taste test my tea? Well now it's his tea because he is blowing bubbles in the bottom of the cup. Thanks dude!
It's ok, the movies got to be over soon! I mean we've passed the half way mark right?
He has now moved to my lap, great maybe he'll sit longer. Nope he's back to his 1st chair. He wants his twizzlers and knows they're in my purse. Grab the twizzlers and give him two thinking it'll keep him busy. He eats half of one and gives them to me, plan fail!
He is back in my lap but stretched across my lap tummy down. Takes my hand and taps his side with it. So I rub/tickle his back while he tickled my knee. Yea not an even exchange but beggars can't be choosers right?
He sits back up in my lap and actually sits, the movies almost over, yay!
He wants his twizzlers back so I hand them to him and finish the movie!
We clean up our trash, slowly make our way down these crazy not 2yo friendly stairs and have successfully watched our first movie in a movie theater.
Was this a success? I say so! He never climbed out of his chair and ran around, he never screamed or cried or did anything but whisper to me and we had zero spills to clean up. Will this be an every weekend thing? No but we will definitely go to another one.
Score one for mommy and Zander date!!

Sorry the pictures are so dark, obviously I can't use a flash in the theater so waiting for everything to be bright enough takes time.