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You are not serious @kevinwong😀😀😀😀
This is so hilarious, i just imagined a community of dogs on steemit, dogs behind computers..😂😂

It'll be so funny 😂

Ever heard of dogecoin?

They own that shit

coming soon!

What breed/mix of dog is this? Looks quite a bit like my rescue, and I've never been able to figure out what she is...


I've no idea as well. Person i adopted from said it's maybe quarter GSD, mixed with a mix of others haha

Pure beauty!!!
We will connect...they said....

We will have common interests ...they said
αρχείο λήψης.jpg

Well i hope we won't reach at that point
Have a great Sunday @kevinwong

Lol even the skeleton meme i made last year for "waiting for comunnities" is rotting now

Nice dog. I love dogs...Your dog is funny & lucky. Got to sleep on your bed. Or is it its bed? lol

It is "their" bed.


Lol.. Some dogs are so lucky.

you can upload your profile picture now, that's all that counts. right?...

Patience puppy.

I don't usually drop links to other posts (especially when it's not my post!), but when I do, it has a OSMT diagram in it.

I remember that doggy from last year, he did a bad do-do! :D

I want to connect with other dogs, too! We will conquer Steemit soon! We are smarter than hoomans!! :)

Watch out for grumpycat

Well the hoomans are launching a lot of token these days, I just heard of Good-man token, maybe after @ned comes back from New York, we can launch the DMT the dog media token.

After all he humans aren't slow at the end of the day, hahsha

So will they have dogbots too?😂

A very spoiled dog, is this your dog?
Surely he is very well trained ..

zero training!

I really like to stay with dogs, they make me feel relax and comfortable. They are little angels❤️

haha even doge knows they should move fast lol

He has a lots of plan.....Dont disturb him....Let him to sleep.

hahah that's right!

Lol,dog got some attitude...

Dogs 🐕 are planning a take over lol


Hoomans. So slow. When fuds? I want to nom. I sleep too, fren. 😸

Hahaha I laughed so hard. I have 3 dogs and I know this moments where they can be so funny and adorable...

Lmao. This just brightened up my sunday .
Yeah we’ve seen Ape’s planet, next is the revolution of dogs . Lmao

Robots vs dogs lol

@kevinwong, Yep Brooklyn is patience and seeing Impatient for sleeping. Well expressions from him and didn't see ya there. Brooklyn don't prefer to sleep with you :D

Stop looking at me!

We can't do it. Probably you boss gonna angry with us.

Hahahahaha. Even the cat are impatient for Hf20&21

Damn hoomans, with their slow speed, can't even launch SMT tokens while I'm asleep.
Your doge is super cute :D

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂this is so hilarious! Can't stop laughing. However, you conveyed an important message through this meme-like content.

You are one of the very few senior Steemians who do not shy away from speaking the real fact. Never regret visiting here and never will because each visit worths it!

@eurogee of @euronation community

Did you even ask for his permission for showing face on internet at all?

Yes, he traded it for biscuits :p

hahaha... my dog gets tired too when looking at the trending page on steemit :-)

Endal was the first dog to ride on the London Eye (the characteristic ferris wheel in London, England), and was also the first known dog to successfully use a ATM machine.

Quite a sleepy one...and pampared too...👍

Hive trail.Bee trail comment.jpg In order to retain this vote you must become active within the group

Your dog is busy sleeping
He is waking up and sometimes sleeping
I have a lot of fun @kevinwong

Hehehe this was quite a funny one and each pix signified perfectly the impressions of the dog. Nice one bro

No dog feelings were hurt during the making of this post.

Hahahahahhahahaha funny dude.

Hahaha paw tokens. If dogs would understand they would indeed give the world some paw tokens which would race neck to neck with btc.

funny but cute dog, photos are really good 😊

Cute and adorable drug, maybe we will launch a dogecoin token 😁😁😁😁

Some time dog can be funny but most of the time it's help people.

a very cute dog, he also looks very spoiled, surely you take care of him very well, so he can grow up healthy and very beautiful. The dog is very faithful to us, he will always help, and he will always obey all our commands. Is this your dog?
Thanks for sharing @kevinwong, and wish you a wonderful day... :)

Well you got the dog language well enough. Have always wondered how animals see us, like if we could here what they say what can they be talking about us?

Really funny! This dog is like gentle man.

Look another gentle dog using commode.

images (3).jpeg

You are a very funny hooman

I totally agree with you, be ready for dog’s take over


He made a great effort to sleep until he rested
Very nice and nice dog
I love to shoot dogs well published

Haha, I needed this, day made. Thank you hooman :-)

this dog look like better!



dog colour was awesome!

lol, dog swag

Lol... funny series of photos...
And clever captions...😀☕❤
Enjoy this very much...

Thanks dear @kevinwong...
Have a great n lovely day...☕❤

You right, these hoomans are toooooooo slow

Cool dog! PAW tokens hehe :)

Yes it is better to have sound sleep rather than taking tension of smts, token or cryptos.

No thought experiments today? :D
Just a sleep experiment i guess. It is Sunday after all. hehe

😂 😂...hahahaha
Cause he no longer gets the fattest bone

he .. he .. his cute this dog if sleeping

Loool did the dog say so, they have a right to connect too dint they

what a sweetie!!!! pupper-hugs!!

That's great funny... wow amazing dog... very looking photography Post... well done@sir...

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