Living in faith is living in expectancy...

in #future24 days ago

I just thought about how it is important for us to actually expect things from life. What do I mean? I know there is a lot of discussion about preachers worldwide who just smile and say that God has a plan for you, he wants your promotion, and you are on the winning side. Is that really so? Would you say that if you went to Gaza to preach right now? Would you feel comfortable saying that in such an environment?

I am not really sure, because Gods word is true everywhere, not only in a glamorous setting in the United States, but also in the midst of poverty, famine, and war. However, no matter where we are at in life, I do believe that living in faith is like living in expectancy.

Source: bing designer

It might not be that you expect fame, riches, and promotion at all times, but there is an expectancy knowing that God is on your side, he is next to you, and he loves you. He doesn't want you to suffer, and if you do suffer now, there is a knowledge that once this life is over, so is your suffering. The final destination is good, so no matter what we are standing in right now, hope is on our side, and we are headed in the right direction.

I do believe God wants us to have a good time here on earth, but if we think about Joseph in the Bible, he had to toil for a long time in Egypt, go to prison, and he was thrown in a well by his brothers... before he saw his "breakthrough."

And honestly, I don't believe it was necessarily an easy job to be the right hand of Pharaoh during the years of famine in Egypt, even though it was a powerful job. So, we need to take everything into perspective... but in this, we have faith that God is with us, and that gives us an expectancy looking at the future!