Damn, what a stressful morning! Glad to announce that Steem-Roller.com is back online and operational after some brief down time this morning caused by a bug in the investment code that could have possibly allowed users to create STEEM out of thin air and withdraw it. Thankfully the user who found this bug @idk was kind enough to let me know the bug was present and did not exploit the bug at all.
And THIS is Why We Beta Test!
Admittedly the bug that @idk found was some a pretty silly oversight on my behalf and the fact no one (including myself) hadn't found the bug up until now blows my mind honestly. Fortunately for the sites users and myself @idk is a stand up gentleman and did not use the opportunity to drain the bankroll and steal the funds.
This whole situation could have been far worse than it was, and while a complete eye opener that the code behind Steem-Roller.com is still very much in a beta state I'm incredibly glad that no real damage was done and that nobody lost any funds because of it. Had a black hat or less than honourable individual discovered this bug and exploited it to drain the sites bankroll not only would have this morning been even more stressful than it was I'd have felt obligated to work off the debts caused by the lost funds. Thanks again to user @idk for being a good person & reporting this.
Deep Breathes... Onwards & Upwards
While I'm still a bit shaken by the whole ordeal after spending a little over 2 hours scouring the code and implementing a number of patches and sanity checks the site is back online and operational.. With all errors and glitches in the sites investment bankroll smoothed out and corrected. In development of sites like this stuff of this nature happens. At least no funds were stolen and no one lost their STEEM.
New Steem-Roller.com GUI is Coming
User @thedegensloth offered his services to help modernize the look of Steem-Roller.com by building a new GUI for the site. While initially I thought my design of the site looked really cool the feedback from most users was something along the lines of "this looks like the 90's" or "what the fuck is this darknet looking shit?" and thus when @thedegensloth offered their assistance in making the site look better I thanked him multiple times and sent him off the files necessary to get a new GUI.
Upcoming Milestone: 7,000,000 Bets!
Some time today Steem-Roller.com should pass the 7,000,000 bets rolled milestone which is pretty fucking amazing considering the site is still in open beta testing and isn't "officially" launched yet. User @cowbay is responsible for nearly half of these bets rolling a staggering 3,300,000 or so of these bets himself while hunting the ever elusive 0.0001% (or 1 in a million) chance bet, which I believe he has hit once already and is due to hit another any time soon! Keep on rolling @cowbay and good luck to ya!
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Hey man I resteemed the last update and now I'm redeeming this one! I hope you get a steem engine token up and running soon so you can have a scotbot site for steem roller... you'll realize it's a good idea sooner than later... you're not to good for scotbot
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks man.
I'm not interested in tokens in the slightest.. If I was ever going to release one it would be for my own personal investment / sponsoring development of stuff.. I'm never going to link Steem-Roller.com to a token because frankly it does not need a token.. It's business model is sound the way it is.