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RE: When Twenty Ate Luck for Supper

in #games2 months ago

Very poetic. I've seen the TV show we have here of this game. I guess it's a real gambler's game as you have to decide on when it's best to take the offered reward. Not my sort of thing as I'm no gambler. It seems popular anyway.



Yes truly a gambler's game. People talk about psychology etc. but it is just luck. So in the end it is only fun when doing with audience participation. And we had loads of it :D
Without audience it would just be a lottery :)

I got in by a lucky fastest finger first kind of game so was not prepared. But I saw the way @amberkashif played and that freed me up from trying to look practical and take the offered deal :) So instead I went for max entertainment value as did she, and @emrysjobber and surprisingly we all got high rewards :D

And the rewards are useful for the Dreemport diggs coming up on Friday. I feel like the kid who goes to those gaming shacks with the coin operated machines :D

When we're at the seaside we often go to the 'amusements' and play the coin-pushing machines, but only those that take 2p coins. Low stakes and low wins. We usually come out with less than we started anyway. Just part of the experience. I've been to Vegas and didn't like it much.

Yup I treat all these games as paying for experience rather than winning something :) And it is never fun alone.