A new upcoming show, regularly featured content to continue in Feburary.

in #gaming4 months ago

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So, the first thing I want to note is that the slower output of posts will continue for most of January. It's been a trying year for me, and I have finally had some time where things have slowed down and I'm not getting hurt. You know how sometimes after a long time of pushing yourself, it's the moment you stop for a while you finally get hit with the exhaustion? Well after a year where I have been hit by two cars, several things happened to coworkers families so I kept stepping in to work extra, and two other work related injuries.

All that parried with the increased load of work I do with my weekly shows with Mildra, keeping up my monthly show with him, as well as working to set up my two additional shows, I just got hit with a years worth of exhaustion. I am at a point I need to slow down for a bit to actually let myself recover.

I will keep up on my weekly show with Mildra, as well as a new project I'll do as I am able, but overall you'll not see much from me this month.

That being said, the new project is tenatively titled 'An Audience With The Monarch' keeping up with my Monarch related theme for my streaming content. I'll be having on Austin of MythWeaver, a new AI powered DM assistant, and talking with him about the project. It's an interview kind of show, though nothing I”ve done before. It'll be interesting to see how that goes. I'll try to get people on as I can, but this is not on a set schedule.

All that said, come months end I plan to have my top anime of the year, I've already got my eye on coming anime and game releases, and my day job is settling down again. I should be on track for a rather productive year for a variety of reasons, so with a short break I plan to get back into gear starting mostly with the next episode of Monk and the Monarch months end.