Hello Guys..! Back again with me @nauvalmhd, this time I want to discuss how to play Krul heroes using CP items, and the skill and Guide you have to recommend for the hero, before I discuss more about the hero or build the items in the Vainglory game, you better have to download the game first.

One of Vainglory's free heroes this week is Krul, the very tanky undead when confronted one on one. The hero jungle this one is indeed deadly, especially if it has been assisted by the right item.
He can dash towards the enemy with Dead Man's Rush which gives him a little HP Barrier, especially with Spectral Smite he can lifesteal and also heal after he hit his enemy several times. Your enemy ran away? Throw a sword stuck in your chest with Hell's Heart skill, your enemies will be stunned and will regret having run away from you. So how to play the right Krul? Here is the guideline for you who are trying this free hero.
Skill Build

Shadows Empower Me : Krul is reinforced by shadows after standing still in the bush for 1 second. during reinforcement, the momentary Krul gets 2.5 motion speed and its basic attack will slow the target by 40% for 2.5 seconds.
Dead Man's Rush > Krul ran toward the target and caused damage. Enabling Dead Man's Rush will give the HP Temporary Retarder Krul.
- this capability triggers a basic attack effect.
Spectral Smite > Krul blows up the existing Weakness pile at one target, then gets the HP back together by the amount of pile spent.
- Passive: Basic attack & Krul ability will wear Weakness on enemy (max 8 piles). Each stack reduces the target damage by 6.2% and adds Krul's life to the target.
From Hell's Heart > Krul removed Hellrazor from his chest and tossed it toward the target. The sword will return to the krul. if the opposite hero, the sword will be destructive and disabling, then slow down the target. The duration of damage and paralysis increases with the distance the sword goes before the target:
- 50% at close range
- 100% at maximum distance
- 150% on the return distance
Can not be denied Spectral Smite arguably the most important skill of this hero. One reason is that this skill is the core of Krul's heroic way of playing. Without Spectral Smite Krul may not as tough as usual and can only be assassin that tends to hit 'n run.
Therefore Spectral Smite is the first skill to be maximized, so you can survive in a 1v1 verbal shoot scenario. Another thing that can be used as a note as well, you can delay taking skills if you really want to improve Smite first. For example on level 4 you already have lvl 3 Smite with Level 1 Dead Man, when reaching level 5 do not take anything first. When you reach level 6 you just grab the ulti along with the Smite upgrade to level 4.
Build Item
Build Item Krul - This hero is a terrible monster in the forest, any resulting attack can make your opponent die quickly. One of his ability to make the enemy is also difficult to kill him because it can add blood to himself. This hero has been strong plus the appropriate item getting sick once of course. Here I will review 5 krul build items that you can use in Vainglory game games, First I will discuss the build item weapon power krul.
1. Krul Weapon Power :

If you want to use this build item first according to the image above you should buy it first is the defense item. Here I attach Aegis to reduce damage from opponent attack, but see the condition when in battle if the opponent uses WP also do not buy this defense item but wear Metal Jacket. Then after the defense is used then please buy the Sorrow Blade item to increase the basic attack.
Then add Tension Bow items to add more attacks. Once it is enough to buy items Journey Boots shoes that can pursue the target that escaped, because this jungle hero attack is quite fast. In the last game you should have Breaking Point and Bonesaw items, because these two items can make very strong in long battles and certainly can erode the shield on the opponent.
2. Krul Crystal Power :

The start of the game make sure the defense item you have purchased is like the picture above Metal Jacket to reduce damage to the opponent's attack. Then buy Clockwork items that can increase the cooldown faster, to be able to fight long with your opponent. After that it is suggested to buy Frosburn items that can make the opponent slow down in attack when the duel one by one.
Do not forget a slot for shoes like above Journey Boots that can catch the opponent who escaped. To add pain in the crystal power attack buy Broken Myth items that can help you deal damage especially when the enemy is wearing a shield. One last slot for the Eve of Harvest item because it can help you heal the damage to your opponent's attack quickly, especially crystals.
3. Krul Mixed WP + CP :

Build this item if you want to combine between crystal and weapon, which is no less painful with the build above. First you have to fill in your item slot that is Journey Boots shoes and Clockwork items that both have the power of speeding up the road and attack. Next you have to buy the Breaking Point first because it keeps you in a long fight in the early to mid game to stay sick the longer attack.
After that you buy Crucible defense items that can help you and your team while fighting. For merging items it is advisable to purchase a durable Serpent Mask item in battle, as this item has little health. Lastly to add Bonesaw items to the last game that can erode the shield that the opponent has installed.
4. Krul Defense + Basic Attack :

In this build used can be when not have a hero roam on your team. Because of the above items to make you thicker in the opponent's attack. First you must buy an Atlas item that can counter high attack speed and lower speed. After that buy Crucible to help you and your friends in battle.
Then buy War Treads shoes to run very fast with your friends when attacking or escaping. Of course, in a fortress must also have a basic attack to disrupt the opponent's attack. So, buy Tornado Trigger and Tyran't Monocle items that can help speed up your attack. Last time last game fill your last slot with Aegis to make it stronger in duel and help damage from basic attack.
5. Build Item Troll Krul :

Build the last item to make this jungle hero scary and furious in the fight. How not, with 5 slots paired with Tornado Trigger that can make a very fast attack and of course will quickly die your opponent. However, the above items are used for those of you who want to see krul rampage in the arena. Next to one slot the remaining input boots Journey Boots to add fast in the running chase opponents who flee in the attack.
It costs to make all the above build items is quite expensive, but if you can do well when doing farming is not impossible to make this build item. The advantages of this build item is Krul has the attack speed and damage of the attacks are quite sick coupled with the damage of crystal from his skill. And if you meet an opponent who has a stun skill, you have to be more careful not to be the opposition team. Do not forget to win you have to work well together with your teammates.

Tips 1 > The most used combo of Krul is running from the bushes, activating Dead Man's Rush to reach high-value targets, then launching a basic attack to collect the Spectral Smite trigger stack. if the enemy heroes are running, throw the sword to keep them within reach.
Tips 2 > Stacking Weakness Krul weakens opponents in team battles. This weakness is important, so you should not use Spectral Smite until you are sure you can kill.
Tips 3 > Krul is the strongest 1v1 Peduel in the game. Fight 1v1 to (enemy) dead.
So little explanation about the hero of Krul in Vainglory game. everything I describe is the real of the Vainglory games I play and also according to my thinking. if something does not match then I apologize. For other heroes do not forget to check my next post, and if there is an error in typing or explanation. please criticize or target in the comments field, greetings from me to Gamers and Steemian.

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