The Taste of A Berry Sweet Summer

in #gardening5 years ago

It's sweet, what else. Perhaps ... but it was sour at some point. It was even almost bitter on its early stage. Gives you a pucker face at the taste of it.


However, that's the early stage, back when you thought the things you've sown and grown have already come to the stage of ripening.

The very first reaction is to pluck already! While your greedy eyes stare at the greens. Another voice screams; "Don't wait till they're red or the birds would pluck them before you. Let them ripen in a fruit tray or so!"


On some days, you just get there and find them over ripe and mushy already. Too late but still edible. Sometimes, they're already half bitten and sometimes already growing mildew. Beats me to figure that out because it's been scorching hot in Holland these days.

Despite the hints some insect give you, you just can't fathom when the right time is, to pluck your self grown fruits. Some, they're just so ready for the picking or perhaps you were just there at what they call - "the perfect timing."

Nevertheless, you have always hoped for that very moment when you can taste a berry sweet summer.


"Wait! That's a pear and it ain't a berry!" Yes, I'm just trying to show you they're fine despite looking so scorched earlier on. Btw, is it possible for a black berry and a raspberry to cross breed and look like that of that first pic? They taste sour though and never turned sweet at all.

This content's 100% mine . I took the pics with my Nikon D3400 and the video clips with my Samsung Galaxy A32017. Don't like reading? Watch video in my VLOG instead.

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A good friend "@xpilar" suggested to follow you by your good post, excellent very tasty fruits, thank you for sharing

sorry I've been away on vacay these days!

They look delicious in Your photos. I'd say they're ripe and sweet.
Sometimes I'm too impatient to rip them to full maturity, but we have them too unripe, although they look alluring - try me on the taste :). haha , my face immediately appears sour grimace

I so can relate Madlen!
Enjoy your garden's fruition!

Another berry berry good post. :-)

Hey, you've got blackberries already? In the wild, overhere, they are still quite green. Love them when they are quite ripe. Slightest tight grip and hands getting all dark blue... That is when the are at their sweetest over here. Dislike the bitter-sour ones. Patience can be tough.

nee, de brammen kwamen uit ergens wij hadden de bakjes toen nodig maar de rest zijn vanuit de tuin
op de opname zijn de bramen nog niet te eten
groen en bitter .. niet te eten
ik hou ook van brammen maar soms zitten er maggots of moth larva in
ze eten ook mijn eten hahaha

#nl In bramen kunnen mot larven zitten...!? 😲 Gadver... Vaak eet ik ze tijdens het lopen. Nu twijfel ik of ik dat wel weer ga doen. 😨

ja! wahahaha
echt waar!
vooral als ze te rijp zijn dus ik halveer ze altijd eerst dan vind je de larva van een mot .. erger kan het ook een maggot .. dat is te vies argggh
dus ik breek ze even in het midden en daarna pas eet ik ze wel
het is niet altijd zo .. sommige zijn wel schoon
maar helaas die - die rijp en echt zoet is daar kan je wel de larvae vinden
geef niks dat kan ook extra proteine zijn toch?
hahahah ^ __ ^

#nl Gadver, ja extra proteine, meelwormen (tenminste die hadden wij van motvlinders) schijnen heel gezond te zijn... Hahaha.

Hm, ik geloof dat ik de bramen de volgende keer ook eerst even controleer voor ik die eet. 😲