🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series Returns! Calling All Homesteaders & Green-Thumbs!

in #gardening7 years ago

The Steemit Exclusive Will Return!

I want to make the most of this Steemit-Exclusive and I need friends from the #gardening & #homestead communities to help make it happen!


I am calling for all content creators here on Steemit that share gardening and growing-related knowledge with the community to help me spread independence & financial freedom.


By showing people how to grow food to save money, eat better or even generate an income from the garden.



Specifically, I would love to team up with those of you offering tutorial-based content/media (posts, videos, etc) and incorporate your content into this series! When people read the series in the future, I want them to have an abundance of resources at their disposal. The internet is full of great content that I could just as easily compile, BUT... I want people reading this Steemit exclusive to see STEEMIT CONTENT.

The idea is to have people that stumble across this series in the future see other creators of relative content. The more we can gather, the greater the impact we can have and the more people we can help to take a major step toward independence. We can all take back our independence and control of our food supply. If this series helps a few people enhance the quality of their lives, then I have succeeded. Let's synergize and reach further than that. Most of you readers might already agree - the world needs this.


What Exactly Am I Asking YOU For?

It's pretty self-explanatory so far, but I am seeking:

• Relevant, Quality Content - Posts that are rich with media are best, but the ​descriptive and informative material is what I wish to link and feature. It should somehow tie into the "growing money in your yard" theme, obviously.

• Steemit Creators that wish to help branch this series - read through the series and get an idea of the many "open-ends" I left for others to drive it further into more niche specific directions. If you're up for that - let's chat!

• COMMUNITIES - Yes, that is ALL divisions, branches and offshoots of Steemit Gardening and Homesteading! I am calling upon YOU to help ME in bringing more people together and connecting as many of these communities together as we can. We are the roots of something great here and the more we can grow like 'companion plants' the better! Let's Harmonize!


Many of us that garden also enjoy sharing our knowledge with others that take interest in it. WHY NOT combine forces, rather than divide? Sharing what we love with those who share like interests is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences. You get to see people prosper and grow in communities strengthened by unity. One common goal, many ways to achieve it. WHY NOT?

I started this series because I wish to help those who wish to help themselves.

I also love to remind many of you plant-savvy folks that if you do grow food: you are growing money, whether you know it or not. I want to share with you how simple it is when you have a plan. I am doing it and you can do it too!


But @grow-pro... You need a big farm and lots of land to make money growing food!

Nonsense! There is a misconception that you need a farm to make money growing food and if you have followed this series thus far, you know that is entirely FALSE! I have already shown that $15,000+ worth of culinary mushrooms can be grown annually, indoors, in a space less than 10ft x 10ft.

I know people living in urban city apartments that grow food in their apartment and on their balcony. So, it can be done just about anywhere. There are greenhouses in Alaska and there's even a handbook for heating a greenhouse in extremely​ cold conditions. So... Like my grandmother says "where there's a will to do it, there's a way.". If that isn't true - I don't know what is!!

There are many misconceptions about growing food and there are many reasons for that. One major reason is the food industry relies on your dependence upon them. There's billions of dollars at stake and they surely do not want more of us less dependent. You and I know is time to hit the RESET and regain our independence.

During the series, @jerrybanfield's post Why Grow Grass and Buy Food? #168 showed his yard and his thoughts on why we are growing grass and not food with our yard. Maybe he should have read this series. I am almost sure that if he knew how much money he could save AND make - he would not be growing that lawn. Growing food is by far more rewarding than growing grass, even when you remove the financial element. We all know this. But, what many of us apparently don't know is: it is not all that hard to grow your own food!

Seriously! If Jerry might have spotted this series, maybe he might have shared it - which might have helped far more people than I am able to reach. I worked very hard on the series parts that I have released and I am ever grateful for the #curie votes on two parts of the series thus far. That surely helped to spread this message and that makes me even happier that I decided to create this exclusively for this platform.

That leads me to why I firmly believe that I need to offer this initiative to the community of Steemit

I can only reach so many people as an individual. We, a community, can reach far more. Why not make this a liberating movement for the world, but let's also show the world what sort of power we have as a community. I truly hope that I have raised some thoughts and that you share them in the comments below or mention me in discord PAL/MSP or


🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series - {Introduction & Synopsis}

🌱to💰• Growing Money In Your Yard Series • {pt1} • Learn the Laws, Plan & Prepare

🌱to💰• Growing Money In Your Yard Series • {pt2} • Grow What You Know & How to Find Profitable Opportunities

🌱to💰• Growing Money In Your Yard Series • {pt3} • In-Depth​ Look At How I Started & What You Need To Succeed!

This is only maybe half of the material I planned to cover and I would like your help in expanding this.

If you review this series, you will notice I have already featured fellow steemians in the series - I want to scale that up!

As new friends stumbled upon my post and shared that they too have content that pertains to how you can GROW MONEY IN YOUR YARD - I was editing my posts to incorporate their content! That sort of team effort is what drives great creations. I want to see more of it, so drop me a message below!


What readers can expect in the upcoming up in the future parts of this
🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series:

• Setting up your business, covering costs, how I improvise, establishing a market, sustainability-renewability

• Strategy​, strategic partnerships, offsetting costs, time efficiency, creating demand, fail-safes & why you need them, + more

• Marketing: Pricing, advertising creatively, using media, social networks, selling your products - where to sell and how, +more

• Commercial Growing, scaling your operation, how it's different and what you need to know as a hobby gardener before going commercial, maximizing yields, resources for commercial growing, risk/reward, benefits to community, + more

• An Overview and reader questions - where I will try to support all that have followed along in beginning their own operation. I will be answering any questions and will help to network and provide resources that will aid in more people actually making money from reading this series. I am growing, grow with me!

• COMMUNITY IDEAS - I want others to create their own series sharing how people can grow money food and their piggy bank. The more of us that can offer the resources and encouragement for more people to take this step toward freedom, the better we will be as a human race. We were created to be free and it's time to act like it.




What a GREAT initiative to begin the new year. Spring is busting out all over, although I still have a foot of frozen snow, I smell spring in the air. Calling @fernowl13 over for this post. She has just started #sotall Survival of the All and is providing free seeds for Steemians that may need them. Starting small but @sotall is growing fast. Count me in, I am excited to be here. Resteeming for others!

My thoughts entirely, as well, @vickiebaker! Sitting here filling trays with cocoa coir and reading the two dozen seed catalogs that came in the past couple weeks 😋

I was also finding myself in conversations frequently about people on Steemit wishing to make some extra money - which brought the series back into perspective. I am glad I waited to settle into Steemit and find some great people to network with as it will inevitably reach far more. With spring coming, I am ready to create new content for the series and have some creative ways to help the community.

Second one to mention the #sotall, and ohhhhhhh I have seeds for everyone who wants them..lol heirloom seed collector here and sharing is caring 😉

I took some time before I signed up on here just to get a feel for what value I might be able to add. Met some incredible folks and when I finally signed up I found even more like minded people and am sure to meet many more. I think food is our future and any small homesteader or farmer is in a position to help others while also helping themselves. The opportunity here is expanding every day. Incredible place to spend our time!

So well put!! There is great opportunity, not only on this platform in the networks we can create, but also in food. I entirely agree and I want to emphasize what you said, as you've captured the very essence of why I am doing this series:

"I think food is our future and any small homesteader or farmer is in a position to help others while also helping themselves. The opportunity here is expanding every day." @vickiebarker

I am going to screenshot this and share it with some friends I have been trying to get on Steemit. You make a great point and one they might not ignore!

I will be following along with all of you and I'm open to all suggestions you might have! Thanks to @goldendawne's kindness, we are in the process of getting us all into a room so we can start expanding this initiative. Looking forward to where we take it next 😀

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

Agreed! As I've told him, he's saving lives in the future by teaching people how to grow their own food. I hope to save lives in the future too by sharing my expertise on residential security. We both have similar motivations behind what we do.

I'm very interested to get more involved in this initiative/series. Currrently we have just planted 300 garlic bulbs for personal use as well as bartering for other foods from neighbor farms. I like to smoke the garlic and then it's much more valuable (not to mention TASTY). I will be looking to do more in the future.

Oh, yea!! That is right inline with the series - specialty growers are something I wish to shine more light on. Bartering is another thing I would like to share more about. Although with barter the laws get fuzzy and it all changes by locale. I am all for it for individual trading, but have to be careful with business (registered business).
If you ever want to brainstorm or chat about it, feel free to message me on discord, @qberry

Thanks. Sounds good. We typically barter for personal use which is no problem here. I know it would never to be reported as income here if we profited from it in any way. Instead we typically barter excess of one thing for something else we don't have/grow. I wrote a post about it a couple of days ago. @qberry

RESTEEMED it. Least I can do for my neighbors to the south - I'm in Maryland. DelMarVa love..haha
@finnian is a friend of mine, also in VA. He brought me here actually! He is another advocate for bartering. It makes the world go 'round! I'm following along now, so I'll see ya around

Thanks much. We have plans to visit Maryland soon. Glad to see another Virginian too! Nice to virtually meet you @finnian

Hello! I found this using GINAbot. It notifies me when I get tagged. Thanks, @grow-pro! Garlic?! I love the stuff. As a person with a compromised immune system, I try to eat a little garlic every single day. It keeps me from getting sick! I'm definitely curious about how you grow it, and trading is always an option. Did I mention that I brew mead? LOL

I love garlic in everything especially when smoked. It's easy to grow. You can get just one garlic and plant each clove piece and end up with 8 or 10 garlics. You just plant them in the winter here and they are ready in the spring. Cut off the tops in the spring once they shoot up and curl over like a pig tail (scapes). You can eat them too.

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

If you need a tomato sandwich that will last the whole ride home, drop by on your way out of Maryland, @qberry 😂

I would love to help this initiative.

Now I have to read back... I think you might have been in one of my posts @gardengirlcanada! I'm almost willing to bet. Feel free to toss me a message on discord - lets synergize! I will manually curate Steemit content if I must, but I would prefer to organize with all of you, together, and see how we can all drive this forward. It is not my series, it is our series. Let's amp it up ✌️😎

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

I'm in. I haven't yet taken this perspective on any of my posts, but there is no time like the present!

Upvoted, Followed and Resteemed, I'll take a look at the series thus far as I work on a series about how to grow more of your diet 'in-house', and make some extra money as well!

Thank you for reaching out to the whole community, that is what makes steemit steem on!

The more we encourage positive growth & the more knowledge we share with those who wish to help themselves - the free we become as a species. I've seen you around ;)

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

I've told you before, but I'll say it again. Sharing this type of knowledge now will literally save lives in the future. I do not have a green thumb, but I dabble in herbalism. This is something I wish I had more time to do. One day I will. I will make it happen! That is the main reason so many people do not grow their own food too. They just don't have the time or energy after they get off their hamster wheels for the day.

You have! And I agree that sharing this carries a long lasting impact to those who accept this information. I have shown more than a few people that the "time issue" is virtually nonsense (excuses) in many cases. I have people say it takes too much time - we are talking about 3 hours per week of work for a small garden 20ftx10ft.

When you do the math, more people spend three and four times that watching television per day!

Starting a garden from scratch can be the more intensive portion, but even that has products that offer greater convenience pre-built indoor units, pre-built garden houses, windowsill boxes... There is a way to grow almost anywhere and with limited resources and tools. How do you think these plants survived for so long? They want to grow and they will if you plant them..😉

Your reply reminded me of something I learned recently, and I was curious to get your feedback and opinion on it. Apparently mushrooms grown without UV/sun light do not have vitamin D in them? I've been researching the best ways to get it from food, and some people say salmon, other fatty fish, and mushrooms. When you look at containers of food for them though, no vitamin D is listed. Weird, right? Sure, the best way for us to get it is to get sunlight and have our bodies naturally produce it, but I'm looking for ways to get it without sunlight. Any ideas?

That is also apparently true of eggs. If you want yolks with vitamin D in them, you need to have cage free chickens that roam in the sunlight.

Yes, that is true time wise. There is no good excuse. :) This reminds me of making mead as well. I put it off for a very long time because I didn't know what I was doing. Once I did it though, I was surprised how easy it was. The same applies to gardening I would suspect. People see it as something new, and they avoid doing new things. Are we programmed not to perhaps? It is definitely a strange typical human trait. I like to say everything is hard until it is mastered. ha ha Obvious, sure. People ask me how I became a PI and are not happy when I give them my entire history and all the little steps that got me to where I am.

It's still possible though. Just like becoming a growing professional, it can be done. You just have to take one step at a time until you eventually master the skill as you have!

Now that is interesting! Something I never considered to boot. I'll have to dig into that, @finnian. You can school me in discord or steemitchat hopefully..haha
It does make sense that sunlight plays a role in the production of vitamin D in living organisms, whether an egg or mushroom.

As far as the 'programming' goes, that is partially thanks to the mega-money food industry - they tend to share more info about the dangers of your food you grow, than the stuff they sell..Ironic isn't it? It is a skill that is looked at as 'you have it or you don't' but that's long since been true. Maybe before the Internet, but there is so much info daily available for anyone that seeks it out, it is there!

Just about every household around me grows a garden in some capacity - flowers, food, or just a couple plants in pots. Yet, they all approach it differently. What I mean is they all have differing methods, but generally the same results, regardless of methods and practice. They ignore very simple knowledge that experts have shared and is a search away from their eyes. I approach gardening as if I am a student, not a master. I accept that I do not and cannot know all I need to know and I seek ways to improve. I never say "well, I got 29lbs of tomatoes off of one plant, but the avg is 10 so that must mean I have maxed out the yield". I say "29 is good, but 60 has been done. Let's try for 60" 😉
I hit 52-53 last year. Better make it 70 lb /plant this year because I saw a guy doing 90's with similar practices. There is always improvement and likewise a challenge to accept.

Start small and build up your knowledge and tools..once you have those, you see far less resistance in growing. Once you can grow plants, say a tomato plant, and eat your first fruit - that is going to fuel your desire to continue. Once you grow so many others start telling you how delicious they are - that is going to spark something that one can easily use to create business.

Anything is possible. If Disney can grow 60k tomatoes on one plant, I can too (just working on getting that budget up there..hahaha)

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

Curious as to how I can get involved with this.... still thinking

I focus more on what I know - tomatoes are my specialty. After chatting with some folks in Homesteading Online discord, it hit me.. This series is not my series - it is ours. There are other people that have and continue to share creative ways to make income from using their space and skills. I had never considered the possibility of raising animals and income related Ideas. That surely meets the criteria for growing money!

I have a bunch of ideas how to get more of us growing home and it never hurts to chat! I am all ears for ideas. Thanks @goldendawne

We'll have to connect on Discord chat and share some ideas.
In the meantime, I would love to help curate the posts you get as well as the people who are making the posts. Then after I get a few tasks organized on my end and into a good rhythm, then I can jump in deeper with this project.

I will jump over to discord and share a few ideas that might help us organize and make the curating much easier! Can't fit all the Thank You's in this box or I would try..lol You are amazing 🙏

Having some strange issues with following.. It says I am not following you (which I have for some time) and I clicked follow. I think that actually unfollowed?? I checked friends that I know I follow, also in the comments here - like @finnian, he brought me to Steemit and he was the first person I followed. It says I'm not following him 😳 @crystalize and I chat the other day about this and she has had similar issues. Just wondering if you heard anything thru the grapevine on bugs with the follow feature?

Me too. I know I was following her, and it says I'm not. I tried to follow again. Did it work?

Lovely idea thank you. Readers of my posts and comments will know that I support homesteaders and anyone that wants to be self-sufficient. I was just introduced to sotall.org who want to do something like you are suggesting and I will write for them on the things I know that have worked (or not) and hope they gain some value from it. Being self-sufficient is so important in this day when we need to preserve and conserve and GROW stuff!

Well, thank you @jvalentine! That is something new I will have to check out, sotall.org. I would love to chat sometime and maybe enhance wild growing money ideas (I have a few that are wild and equally effective!).

Every little step we take impacts our immediate community. I have been doing that and have seen the impact "live" and can attest to the benefit of doing what we love and sharing that with others.

STEEM On! And...Grow Big, Grow Home ✌️😎

Thanks for your response to my note and well done for keeping something going that you believe in and that will benefit both yourselves and your community. We had an old cottage with a very large garden about 7seven years back and we grew ridged cucumbers so my hsuband could make 'Bread and Butter pickles' because nobovy had heard of them here. We even had government food industry testers in our kitchen and were able to sell the products "Blur Gate Cottage" products and people loved them. However we were unable to take it further when we had a bad winter/summer and therefore no cucumbers and couldn't find another source. Then my husband bvless hm, got too sick anyway. He still makes them and I've tried but they aren't the same so I call them 'Val's pickles'. My grandkids love them. Note: I did so much PR on them that even big fancy restaurants started putting them on their menus! Amazing. Anyway lovely what you're doing and I will post things that may contribute. Steem On!

Sorry for such a delayed response, I have a few Steemit projects going and it's been a productive week!

Val's Pickles!? I believe I am familiar. It is great to hear of stories like that and I would love to have you in the discord. I think you certainly could add some value to the series and I think many would enjoy hearing more about how you got started and your experiences. I truly appreciate the support and your time you have shared with me. I hope to enhance the lives of people who wish to do more for themselves and this series is in line with all the things I love to do! Thank you and STEEM ON!! 😉

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

I am not a grower, I am an anti-grower, unfortunately any plant I try to grow dies. But I love the idea/initiative and will be following it.

You know you aren't the only one @mbrown121500. My toddlers were like the "kiss of death" to the garden flowers last year. Finger crossed that every flower doesn't look like chamomile to them again this year. When is your birthday, brother? Maybe I can send a cactus or an airplant to get you started 😋
Gentlemen's bet : Bet I can turn you into a greenthumb before 2019. You up for it?

I had a cactus once... it didnt make it. Im not sure how it died, but it didnt make it. I am great with animals, but plants... not so much

So you're saying....
this will be a challenge?

I'll start you out with dandelions because you can't even kill them if you want to..LOL

You can eat the entire plant too! nom nom!!

I am looking forward to reading it 😀

Please do @thriftymum! I am looking for ways to improve the series, but also the quality of life for those who read it. Feel free to toss questions my way. Thanks for reading.

knowing how 2 make your own food is awesome! also great excuse 2 spend more time outside. many of us in the north america got way deep 2 the point of uncofortambly being discconnected from source and not outside enough!

No doubt! I feel 'connected' outside, but even more so when I am nurturing my immediate environment. You see the progression and life of something come to be. It becomes what you allow it to become and for each of us it is different. Even my neighbors grow the same plants (they get them from me 😉) and mine do quite a bit better. They never question why - they always joke "But you give yours more attention" and it is true. But isn't that quite reflective of how life works? The more attention we focus on something we love, the better we get and the more problems we are able to solve. If we became experts of nurturing our environments, spent significantly more time connecting with it - would it be better or worse than right now? You and I know @krystal-paws 🌱✨

This is awesome, @grow-pro. I have some followers who will be really into this--resteeming!

🙏 Thank you, @crystalize! I really have already seen a big impact of this series while creating it. I shared with off-Steemit friends and have reached a lot of people in my immediate community. I'm known as the "Mater Man" by many already and this will be my second season growing money in my yard! We were able to eat, sell, and donate over a metric ton of tomatoes and veggies last year.

I want to show more people it is possible. Not with a huge investment (monetary) but with creative and resourceful practices. If I can do it, I know I can show others who wish to exactly how. You're an 👼 For the resteem (that is the golden button of Steemit!).

Now I have an idea... And my brain says 'quick! Write it down before the kids wake up" 😆

It was my pleasure to resteem your useful and interesting post! What I wouldn't give for a garden-fresh tomato right now--augh. Feels like it has been a year! Wow.. a metric ton. Just wow!!

You are so awesome! Remember we were just talking about the weird issues with followers
Talk about interesting, it is saying I am not following any of the people I follow..LOL not even @finnian, who got me to join and was the first person I followed. This is weird! Saying I'm not following you. Did you get a GiNa notification? Now I'm really confused what is happening. 😆

It's crazy-making. Every single day the system unfollows people without my consent! I spend more time trying to find my lost followed than I do working on posts. I feel like I'm very unintentionally offending people. Wish I knew the answer @grow-pro. No, I don't get GINA notifications on this...

So weird! It shows I'm not following if I click a name, but if I open their blog I am following. If I click follow SteemD shows as follow twice..lol
Beta hiccups I guess 😆

I followed you twice yesterday! LOL!!

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

@vickiebarker made sure I saw your post. Would have missed it because of repair men, lol. You are trying to do something much like what I am trying to do with Sotall.org. How are you planning on keeping the posts visible after the initial 7 days. That was the problem I started Sotall to help correct. It is where the directory came from. I can easily write an article for you, that is no problem. But I can't help but think if we put our thinking caps on, there should be a way(s) we can do more to help each other. I'll gladly give you my email address is you are interested in trying to figure something out.

Absolutely! I'm all ears @fernowl. I was planning to catalog the posts on discord and I am also interested in collaborative efforts that can enhance the series. There are communities all over that I wish to connect with this initiative. I have found many likeminds in the Homesteading Online discord as well and hope we can all align somehow.

Collecting the information on websites is by far going to increase the reach and visibility. I have several ideas as to how to go about that and I would love to chat. Are you on steemitchat or discord by any chance?

I am not physically capable of doing discord. Read my reply to mountainjewels contest and you will understand why (if you want to know). https://steemit.com/homesteading/@mountainjewel/500-follower-giveaway-encouraging-self-care-or-tinctures-and-spouting-book. I have been trying to reset my password on steemitchat but I am not receiving the email for some reason.

Things have been crazy here for 2 days now with plumbing problems. I am almost caught up with getting so little accomplished the last two days and I will keep working on getting back into steemitchat asap.

I'll let you know as soon as I get back in.

Thanks for your understanding!

Chat I can do, but I will sometimes be slow.

I have so much going as well, no worries! I too have bandwidth issues out here where I am, so know the pain well..haha

Steemchat usually never works when I need it, so I use discord. I have so much going, just drop messages here anytime or i might not get them. Too much email for a human to handle as is..
That is just one..there are more. It is not even humanly possible for me any longer to use email.

Talk about fast. Today it was to me in less than 2 minutes! I am fernowl on Steemitchat

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

We container garden in our home and would love to share our process.

I don’t think it saves us a whole lot of money, but it does yield some delicious tomatoes.

That's awesome! See, that is what I mean by 'where there's a will, there's a way!' 😎👍

The more you do it, the more experience and knowledge you gather, the more you can grow. That's why I love the process. You can never reach the ceiling. There is no greater taste than homegrown tomatoes over a store-bought. Feel free to toss me links that you think might help keep everyone growing big & growing home

Check The Daily spotlights of 29 January 2018! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights
Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

Much appreciated @pixresteem

I would love to be involved in getting simple and cost effective growing techniques out to the people so we can all take a closer step to our independence.😁

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

I'd love to involve anyone that feels that this is a worthy initiative and expand this far beyond what I ever imagined. It is not my initiative - it is OURS. I welcome you to join me in the discord anytime @hopfarmnc!!

@grow-pro, please let me know if i could help.
Nice to see more gardening posts out here, especially with creative ideas and initiative . :)

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

Thanks @keyss, it is something we must strive for - independence. I have been so busy lately with several Steemit projects, but this series cannot be what it should without gathering the community. I want everyone to help me figure out ways that we can all expand upon this simple concept and start making a ​meaningful impact on the quality of people's lives. The link tot he update is above and you can find all the details in the update post. Hope to see you around!

Definitely, @grow-pro. I'd be glad to join. See you more around.
All the best, @keyss.

I am just starting out here on steemit, but I love the concept. It is a great idea. One thing I would like to add is that growing a garden of any size is dependent on conditions, like weather, daylight hours and soil conditions. Have you thought to separate some of the content into regions, or length of growing seasons? I ask because we are in a very short growing season here in Maine. 115 days or less. Some varieties of plants can't grow here without season extension implements/ buildings. There is quite a lot of information to disseminate, but I would be willing to speak/write to the area of the world I am in. Also Permaculture and no till gardening is what we practice, and I can speak to my experiences in this area.

I gave resources for how to plan, but the series has been geared more toward helping those who garden realize a profit. If more people are growing excess amounts of food, then there will be less hungry people. Trying to get everyone to grow a garden that has no interest in doing so is very difficult. I started this series as a way to help my fellow gardeners that if they grow a garden - they are growing money. Same goes for raising animals in many cases.

I think you are on the right track, however, in the spirit of expanding this series. I think having people in all regions would only benefit the abundance of knowledge and make information more 'refined' for various environments. My big 'push' is to help people understand that just because you grow 20lbs of food in a 10x10ft area - does not mean you can't grow 50-100lbs in the same space. We might think we are master gardeners, but there is always intensive garden practices that can exponentially increase production. And I'm not suggesting use of synthetics or non-natural practices either. It can be a simple process or a very complex one - that is the beauty of gardening. It's all about knowing what you grow and growing it well!

I think we could certainly collaborate @mhp. Welcome to Steemit and don't hesitate to hurl questions at me anytime, my friend.

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

Can't wait for this series!!!! I am a grower too, in my tiny little postage stamp yard... I planted a whole bed of garlic for the first time last fall, so I'm excited to see my first harvest in July. Also I usually plant peppers, many kinds, cucumbers, and lots of herbs just to eat and to give to family/friends. I've actually learned how to grow quite a bit in a tiny space through the years, we've built standing raised beds on sawhorses on our deck, which helps.

Hello! I used the gardening tag very often, but now it's winter and in the spring I will start new messages about my garden. Only I'm blogging for care and growing roses. In my blog a lot of useful information about grades, pruning and much more, as far as colors. It would be very good if there is support for gardeners because this topic is close to me.

Hi @inna-yatsuk! Thanks for your support and dropping by. I think that knowledge in growing flowers, especially roses (with such a high demand) certainly aligns with the series. Many specialty gardeners have much to offer, indeed! I am more focused on Tomatoes because I grow them well and that is where I applied much of my study.

I will be sure to keep my eyes open for you in the garden tag! Feel free to chat in discord anytime. I'd love to integrate your content into this series. Keep Growin' ✌️😎

We also grow tomatoes, very much! We have our seeds. We first grow the seedlings in the greenhouse, then plant them in the open ground. I will write about this, too. Thank you for your support and response.

🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series NOW HAS A DISCORD!!

UPDATE: A server on discord is now operational and I will begin adding those of you who wish to curate and/or contribute. Please see my updated post to learn how you can apply today! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN THE

Cheers. I will search out helpful tips, although my locality is great growing area, my residence is built on builder's waste and is not, so much that I do is neighbour's or pots.
But do please check my past blog posts for how WW1 grandparents, pre-served, pickled and made jams and wines.
Keep on keeping on. 😇

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