Garden Art in My Gardens - April 6, 2022 @goldenoakfarm

1.Chimes on catalpa1A crop1 Oct. 06.jpg

The first bit of arty things I put in my garden were wind chimes. I collected them at tag sales and hung them on the catalpa tree. I had quite a large collection of many different types and styles and sounds when we had to take the catalpa down for construction in 2019.

2.House - front and walkway with help crop Nov. 09.jpg

The next thing I would consider art was when we built the first walkway and front steps ourselves in 2007. In the autumn I used pumpkins to decorate. As always, the supervisor was on the job.

3.Windowbox at head of driveway1 crop May 2012.jpg

At the head of the driveway my husband built me a barnboard planter in 2012 and we used large stones we found elsewhere as decoration and weed control.

4.Frog Prince 1 crop August 2014.jpg

In 2014 I found this frog prince at a tag sale. Ordinarily this sort of thing doesn’t attract me, but I like frogs and something about it drew me, so he came home with me.

5.Fairy1 crop June 2018.jpg

Also in 2014 my husband bought me this fairy on a whim and she spent May to October in the V garden of the old walkway. The rest of the time she sat on a table in the living room.

6.V Garden - allysum, forget-me-nots, black-eyes Susans, pansies, pink Queen Anne's lace, hollyhocks, liatris, star of Bethlehem, geranium crop May 2015.jpg

In 2015 I had a helper who made peace bells and birdbaths out of old gas cylinders. He’d made this one with a repurposed wok for the bath. That didn’t work very well and the wok rusted out fast.

7.Windowboxes crop April 2017.jpg

At another tag sale I found this large fly with glass eyes and body and it came home too. It sat on the windowbox shelf each year.

8.New Herb garden - chimes1 crop July 2019.jpg

I really missed the chimes on the catalpa and in 2019 I found several branching crooks at a tag sale. I could get 3 or 4 chimes on each one.

9.New Herb garden - chimes2 crop July 2019.jpg

I put them up in the New Herb garden in the various beds. They aren’t as protected as they were on the catalpa, so I have to disentangle them every so often.

10.Fairy in New Herb crop October 2020.jpg

In 2020 when the construction in the yard was done and I’d repaired the New Herb garden, I found a new spot for my fairy and her stump in Row 2.

11.New Herb - Row 3, beebalm and birdbath crop August 2021.jpg

I’d found a new bath for the stand at a tag sale in May 2019 and the birdbath was moved to behind the bee balm in the New Herb garden in 2020.

12.South and West of Steps gardens crop Oct. 2021.jpg

We had Tibetan artisans come in and build the new walkway and front steps. These are truly a piece of art and a complement to the gardens.

13.Rain guage - over 2.5 in crop Oct. 2020.jpg

I decided I wanted a rain gauge because the weather had gotten so strange in the last few years. So I found this pretty one. But I have to take the glass out from October to May so it won’t freeze and break.

14.Walkway and porches crop April 2022.jpg

Another art addition to the gardens were the handmade railings for the porch. My intern’s sister’s fiancé handmade all the leaves in the upper design.

15.Sign box crop March 2022.jpg

With no husband to build me a new planter, I had to resort to buying one. But it decorates under the sign and the pansies like it. This was the last addition to the gardens to date.

So, besides the care I take in planting the New Herb garden and all the other gardens, there’s not much other art involved here. Mother Nature gets to do her thing, until the weeds get too obnoxious.


Good morning @goldenoakfarm, your gardens and home are just beautiful. I love the wind chimes, I have them all around also, I enjoy the different sounds from them when I am out in the yard or my gardens. Peaceful.

Your fairy is so adorable, now I am going to be hitting yard sales to see if I may get lucky enough to find one, I have a few tree stumps it could sit on.😄
Have a great day and thanks for always supporting me with your upvotes.

Hello lovely lady! 😊

Very nice garden art. I love the frog Prince/Princess, what is the green thing it's on top of? The wind chimes are pretty, but with our dogs they'd be a pain in the behind as the dogs would bark their heads off every time the wind hit one and we get a lot of wind up here. So we'll live vicariously through yours. 😊

What is that thing in the third last looks like some sort of water measurer, but my eyes aren't as good as they used to be and I can't enlarge the shot to be sure, so I thought I'd just ask, in case I'm not the only one curious. 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

There's hollyhocks and peppermint around it. Ummm, do you mean its body? It has a green glass body inside the wire frame....

Yes I meant it's body, its very pretty with that green glass inside the frame. 😊

Yes, it's a rain gauge, a fancy one I found. It has a butterfly and cat tails for decoration.

Very cool, we've been looking for a nice one whenever we get into the second hand store because we know they don't make things as well today as they did years ago, hopefully we'll find something nice when we come across one. 😊

I love love love the wind chimes .. I can hear their sound in my head. And your garden fairy I've seen before - she is just a delight. I love the cute things you find at yard sales that appeal to you... It must be fun bringing them out and arranging things after the winter. The railing and stairs are great - how sweet you have those personal touches!!