
Teenagers with rifles who are acting as armed combatants are definitely not children.

Ten year olds who act as scouts for Hamas fighters are also combatants, not children.

The whole concept of childhood extending to age 18 is an entirely Western concept which has no place in Islam or indeed many non-Western cultures.

[Mohammed married Aisha when she was 6 years old and consumated at 9 years old.]

Can the children of European tax payers, who spend their money supporting Ukraine to kill Russians, also be considered combatants?
ok, I'll ask it a little differently
Should the Russians kill Ukrainian children because they are unable to resist adult propaganda and adopt Nazi values?
Is it just me, or are you justifying the killing of children in your comments???
Don't you think that children are not to blame for the sins of their parents and have no choice but to follow the orders of their guardians?

Your comparison is ridiculous.

A person does not become a combatant because they are a taxpayer of a country at war or supporting a war.

They become a combatant because they actively participate in military activity in a war zone.

We are talking about people that store military weapons and Hamas uniforms and material in their homes (incl in kids rooms) for use by Hamas fighters, have tunnel entrances in their homes and fire mortars at IDF soldiers from their backyards.
Here is an IDF soldier's testimony on this fact.

These people in Gaza actively choose support Hamas and have plenty of choices not to.

Even the son of a main Hamas leader was able to see the evil of Hamas's ways and choose another life.

Gazans could leave for Egypt cheaply and easily before the war but stayed because they had a great standard of living paid for by fools in the West.

people that store military weapons and Hamas uniforms and material in their homes (incl in kids rooms)

Is it the children's fault, or do they have a choice to force their father to remove the gun from their home?
Should the child have realized that his father had chosen the wrong side, and go to another country?

The video shows an adult teenager who is capable of making independent decisions. (and I'm sure this is a piece of propaganda!)
It seemed to me that we were talking about children 9-14 years old, who are not able to make important political decisions on their own, and blindly repeat after their crazy parents who were deprived of their country

It turns out that if I do not agree with the actions of my government regarding support for distant conflicts, I must change my country of residence? lol

Have you already taken your family away from the coming third world war, which is being provoked by your governments by financing the Nazis? How much are your children to blame for the future? What are you doing to prevent bloodshed on your territory as a result of the mistakes of those in power? Or do you not consider financing terrorism and complicity in the murder of Russians a reason to launch several preventive missiles at your countries?

Killing children can only justify your helplessness in their re-education. And do we have the right to re-educate someone to suit our worldview? How soon will who's come to re-educate our children if such a concept becomes the norm?

You shouldn't be an enabler of genocide, especially since I understand you are not a victimized party in this conflict!

Have a nice day!

Is it the children's fault, or do they have a choice to force their father to remove the gun from their home?
Should the child have realized that his father had chosen the wrong side, and go to another country?

Parents (and no one else) are responsible for their children and children always suffer the consequences of their parents actions in all respects - that is the nature of life and reality.

In any case the entire Western concept of childhood does not exist in Gaza and much of the Muslim world.

Your concept of other people (especially soldiers fighting a war against terrorist parents) having a responsibility to protect children that their parents put in harms way is totally warped and against nature.

If putting children on the front line was an effective military strategy because the other side couldn't shoot them then everybody would be using this tactic.

The more the world encourages this sort of behaviour the more children will be killed (although Israel is very careful to avoid hitting children even when they are right next to terrorists firing weapons).

If putting children on the front line was an effective military strategy because the other side couldn't shoot them then everybody would be using this tactic.

My fellow countrymen use exactly this tactic and it is effective. In the schools closest to me, soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are stationed. When a missile arrives there, they make a picture for the West that Russia is shelling civilian infrastructure...
If our troops had fought without being covered by civilians, Russia would have won victory long ago! You probably have a similar situation!
But Russia is not fighting against Ukraine, but against the Nazi government that seized power here. Well, those who took up arms to protect the current regime have natural consequences. Local children with Bandera firmware and Russophobia will just as easily be re-educated by the information field, and not exterminated as a potential threat!

This is very interesting information.
You say the tactic is effective; but clearly not in a military sense - Russia still fired the missile at the UAF troops.
A propaganda picture for gullible Westerners may have been valuable early in the war but has very little value now.

I agree that Russia is fighting the government of Ukraine rather than the people. The government probably doesn't have even majority support of the people for this war? This is why it is so hard to recruit.

Russia may well see the possibility of erasing the "Bandera firmware and Russophobia". This is because Ukraine and Russian are very similar peoples, almost brothers and "Bandera firmware" is not that deeply embedded.

However none of this is the case in Gaza.
Hamas and it evil genocidal ideology is extremely popular in Gaza with 71% supporting the Oct 7 genocidal attack.

Hamas genocidal ideology is deeply rooted in Islam. It is not the only interpretation of the Koran but is certainly a valid and deeply rooted one.

Islam has different attitudes to children and childhood than Christianity or Judaism.

Gazan 'civilians' are not reluctant participants in a war started by its government's policies.
They are deeply and voluntarily embedded in the military infrastructure of Hamas.

Its the difference between just posting troops in a school and the entire school being a military installation with weapons stored everywhere, tunnel entrances in the school, rockets fired from the playground with the participation of the children and teachers and the children being taught to fight and use weapons and hate from age 5.

Its not a matter of degree - its fundamental. There are no real civilians in Gaza.

It turns out that if I do not agree with the actions of my government regarding support for distant conflicts, I must change my country of residence? lol

The Gazan population is voluntarily actively and directly involved in and supporting military activity in a local conflict. 71% still support the Oct 7 terror attack, despite what has happened to them because of it.

It is completely different from a Russian or Western country citizen's involuntary and very remote involvement as a taxpayer in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Or do you not consider financing terrorism and complicity in the murder of Russians a reason to launch several preventive missiles at your countries?

I'm not sure what you are talking about here. Israel has been completely neutral in the Russia - Ukraine war. It has not sent any weapons to Ukraine nor has it sent undercover soldiers (like many Western countries). It has not imposed any sanctions on Russia.

The only thing Israel has done in relation to that war is to broker a peace deal (by former PM Naftali Bennett) that Putin has confirmed was a serious and almost done deal before Boris Johnson killed it by promising unlimited Western support to Zelensky.

Sorry, I thought you were thinking from the position of an outside observer.
Yes, my message concerns Europeans and Americans more)

Using this argument of dehumanizing children even babies, you would be able to kill everybody in Gaza. This is what you think is the right thing to do?

You just confessed Israel is indiscriminately killing civilians by considering all of them Hamas combatants. If it isn't a war crime what else could be.

You avoid facing the uncomfortable facts that Hamas uses child soldiers and every house is an arms depot by making false accusations.

Everyone in Gaza is far more guilty than the people of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden of actively supporting and assisting the most vile genocial Nazi regime the planet has ever known (yes, worse than German Nazis who hid their crimes).

Hamas's conduct has turned Gaza into a huge military base where everyone is a combatant.
If a soldier brings their family onto a military base, stores weapons in living quarters and babies rooms and trains their under 18s to be soldiers then that family loses protected status, even babies.

If bringing babies onto military bases meant the enemy couldn't attack the base then every nuclear missile silo and military barracks would have a creche!

However Israel is not adopting the approach I advocate, despite it being well supported by the laws of war and completely morally justified.

Instead it is being super careful not to kill people who are not active combatants and has achieved by far the lowest ratio (1:1) of "civilian" deaths to armed combatants that any army has ever achieved in close urban combat.

I believe that this is a huge mistake because people will falsely accuse Israel of all sorts of crimes no matter how careful Israel is and Hamas actually tries to get its people killed in order to gain sympathy in the West.
It also increases the risk to Israeli soldiers which is morally wrong.

You are trying to "justify" Israel government war crimes comparing them with other war crimes.

I suggest you read all the Geneva Conventions carefully and you might learn that you have no idea what a war crime is.
You are not a lawyer, let alone an international one (as I am).
You have no military experience (as I have).

You are just sprouting terms that you have no idea of their real meaning.

Israel is not targeting civilians, indiscriminately or otherwise. It is targeting legitimate military targets including arms depots, military facilities such as tunnels and armed combatants.

In Gaza Hamas has placed all these things in buildings that would normally be considered civilian but have lost that protected status by the above actions of Hamas and the people that own these buildings.

Everything Hamas does is a war crime.
Nothing Israel has done is a war crime.

Inverting reality making baseless accusations against Jews is rank anti-semitism.

Sprouting the propaganda of a designated terrorist group like Hamas makes YOU complicit with terrorism and is a crime in many countries.

Indiscriminately bombing hospitals and civilian instalations are war crimes, sorry. Killing babies and entire families with dumb bombs are abhorrent war crimes. It is more than that, it is despise for human race, genocide. Don't even try to defend it please.

Hospitals that house Hamas bases underneath and inside and hospital staff that participate with holding hostages are NOT protected. They are a legitimate military target.

Israel is perfectly entitled to obliterate them, but has not done so, instead sending troops to capture them (risking those troops) while facilitating patients to move to safe places.

YOU are supporting Hamas' genocide against Jews by publishing their propaganda and advocating for their cause with your vile anti-semitism.

YOU are committing a crime.

Those that bless Israel (like Javier Milei) will be blessed while those that curse Israel (like you and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva) will be cursed.

And this is not just a Biblical prophesy, it has been proven true time after time throughout history on a national and personal level.

Anti-semitism consumes and destroys the people and nations practicing it.

You are trying to say that everybody and everywhere inside Gaza is legitimate militare targets and wants everyone to accept that BS. Sorry, I don't, and you don't too, just don't want to say that.

He is not saying that. He is saying that every single person in Gaza seemingly wants to kill “the Jews”. The people living in Gaza are all Terrorists. They are taught from the day they are born to hate and kill “the Jews.” ….Would you want these people living next door to you if they are only taught to murder you ? Israel cannot kill all the Terrorists in the World but it would be a good idea to relocate these Terrorists to a land where they cannot launch daily missile attacks and bombing on Land that is within and adjacent to Israel. Look at a map. There is lots of land where these Terrorists could be relocated. Far far away from Israel, the ancient land of the Indigenous Hebrew speaking Jewish Israelites. Read the Bible Maybe. Go on an Archaeological dig, you will only find ancient statues of Ashera-EL … in Israel.