Should I buy bitcoin? Why the cryptocurrency is on the verge of a bear market

in #gems4 years ago

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Bitcoin was on the brink of entering a bear market Tuesday as the volatile crypto asset suffered a double-digit plunge over the past 24-hour period.

A single bitcoin BTCUSD, 0.23% was trading at $47,944.40, down around 10%, on CoinDesk, representing a roughly 18% skid for the popular digital asset from its rise over the weekend to a record at $58,332.36. The world’s No. 1 crypto had tumbled by at least 20% from that recent peak at one point over the past 24 hours, meeting the commonly used definition for a bear market.

Bitcoin bear market?
Bitcoin prices are flirting with bear market Tuesday, falling nearly 20% from a peakcrypto


If you have a long term perspective, anything below 50K is a steal. I bought some more today.

@stayoutoftherz True. In 5-6-7 years it could hit 500k or even more easily...

May be. Let's see what happens next.

This is not a drill.
BTC is dropping fast.
You either buy to loose or sell to wage losses

I suggest u buy BNB with many reason, i.e faster transfer per second. Why? because modern currency system must be capable to handle large amount of transactions. I m not salesman, but i think its good for u.

You don't get it at all.
Am I buying to make losses or gains?

How about xrp?

Why would it be a bear market, when all you hear is big players constantly buying millions to billions of dollars worth of bitcoin? I don't think that's what I would call a bear market.