What IF …

in #gems3 years ago


✨ What if not having a vaccine passport meant that you could no longer go to a restaurant and instead were forced to have picnics and dinner parties?

✨ What if not having a vaccine passport meant that instead of supporting huge supermarket chains where 80% of the food is rubbish, you instead had to turn to your local farmers and green grocers?

✨ What if not being allowed to fly meant that instead you had to explore your own beautiful country or wander through the countryside? Bringing business back to small towns along the way.

✨ What if losing your job working for a company meant that instead you got to start building your passion and vision and start your own business and got to keep the income generated for yourself?

✨ What if instead of running straight to the doctor you started looking into other healing modalities that focused on the cause instead of the symptoms?

✨ What if instead of being stuck indoors training in a gym you trained in nature and in the fresh air and sunshine?

✨What if instead of living in fear you lived in faith and you started realising that these could be silver linings and blessings in disguise. 🧡



Wish I could upvote this by 20000000% as this post really spoke to me!

Love your "What if's" 😊😉🙃👍

What if the worst things in your life actually never happened?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks, we needed to hear this.