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RE: What's the scent of your violets?

in #gems4 years ago (edited)

Anyway, I actually did take a great measure of time reading your post...
Your creative writings are really amazing, appealing and catchy. Everything you said are true..., but I must say, getting through a difficult time like that, especially when you're crushed or heartbroken is not easy at all. Some may take months before one could get over the heartbroken experience...

This your creative writing triggers some memories far back. The time I fell in love with a girl who seems not to be understanding, and gets carried away with wealths and sweet entanglements. To be candid, she's pretty, but senseless at the same time, which made me realized that beauty does not really matter, but beautiful at heart is all what matters. But then, when she decided to leave my life, I was heartbroken and pained for some times before I let go and move on with my life, yet I have learnt a whole lot...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful writing @creativemary.


Hey! Thank you for your appreciation! I write from my heart and from my life experiences so I think this is one of the reasons why my writting triggers emotions. It is sincere.

Heartbreaks are terrible. I had my heart broken too. It is not easy. But we need to heal in order to embrace love and be happy.

Yes, absolutely... It's not that easy, but we just have to move on..

Yes, a heart can heal. And we all need a loving partner in our life. Love is a great feeling and we should not deny ourselves of it

Yes, that's true. You're absolutely right. And thanks for your feedbacks

Have a blissful week dear @creativemary